The embargo preventing higher frequency energies to permeate your planet has now been lifted. This means that your crown chakra is opening to energies that have previously been unavailable to you. This frequency of higher wisdom is changing not only your collective experience, but your individual cellular structure as well. You are all mission driven beings, meaning that you all possess a blueprint of information encoded within your DNA that is driving you along your journey into physicality. Every human being has a mentor or mentors that are integral to their spiritual evolution. You arrived here with the intent to do something that was important for the growth and expansion of your soul. While that purpose may not always be readily recognizable to the human part of you, your higher self knows exactly what to do and how to best accomplish that mission. There is really nothing for you to do other than what you feel inspired or compelled to do in every moment. In other words, you cannot not accomplish what your soul has set out for you to experience in every incarnation you are living. This awareness takes the pressure off the mind that thinks it must control everything including the outcome of all choices and decisions made. All is well and all is perfectly designed and orchestrated by your soul. You are always on your path despite what your mind tells you. When you can allow and accept all of your experiences just as they are you will enjoy your journey and not feel like you are continually fighting against it. You exist to love all that you are fully and completely. Love on the highest level is unifying. What are you unifying? Everything, including your higher self, for there is nothing that is not a part of you. There is an alchemical change taking place within you that will allow you to experience life in a more unified way. Your consciousness is expanding, meaning that you now have access to more information than you have ever had before. Even your artificial Intelligence is assisting you in this organic process of awakening to your inner creative power. You are becoming aware of your multidimensional self which you can tap into at any time to help you navigate this lifetime more effectively and efficiently. You will be given everything you need to know to make your perspective more loving, allowing, and accepting. These internal changes will be subtle in the beginning to allow you time to adjust. Eventually, the momentum will reach critical mass so that the collective will have no choice but to reflect the shift in individual consciousness. While you all want the same things in life, how each of you gets there will be different. Diversity will always be the foundation of the Earth experience. Yet you will all come to understand that despite your diversity, together you can achieve the highest good for all members of your global community. You no longer have to adorn yourselves with the accoutrements of suffering, sacrifice, and martyrdom. You are remembering that you have Divinity at your core, and that this Divinity can be accessed by you instantaneously with your intent for it to be so. These are amazing times upon your planet; times that will surpass anything in your so called past. What you will be able to accomplish with your consciousness will be astounding. You have arrived at the nexus point of uniting body, mind, and spirit into the triality of consciousness, energy, and love. The speed of light will ultimately be replaced by the speed of consciousness. There is nothing you cannot do with the power of your intentions. What has held you back up until now has been your inability to see your connection to everyone and everything around you. That is what is changing within all human beings whether they realize it or not. Your vibration however, must remain elevated to physically manifest your higher intentions. You have infused consciousness into biology to experience a sensual reality. Yet you are so much more than the identity of your physical bodies. Your world is a virtual landscape of digital information. Nothing is real except for the consciousness that has created it. Your personalized experience here is merely a tool to expand your container of consciousness; a portal that connects the non-physical with the physical, the Divine with the human. The transformation of your planet is at hand and it will be mediated through consciousness. You are each a perfect representation of the One Consciousness made manifest into physical form to add to the expansion of All That Is. Be a living example of loving allowance and acceptance. Open your heart to the next frontier of consciousness evolution and you will create a future bright with opportunities for all. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
The Aligned Mind~Oracle Of Divine Wisdom
Rev., Dr. Arthur Keenan, DC ~ Spiritual Teacher ~ (626)437-8723
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....
"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."
Sunday, March 9, 2025
The Embargo Has Been Lifted
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Friday, March 7, 2025
What Are You Doing
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
What it is that you are trying to do as a human being? You are trying to remember to the best of your ability that you are God, and to express that remembrance in everything you do. As you call forth the Divinity within, you expand your perspective on not only who you think you are, but on how you relate to the world in which you live. You have all co-created this world of relativity to give yourselves continual opportunities to express the highest part of you. Every act of creation comes from the Mind of God and is expressed through your human vessel. You are a conduit for the Divine. The challenges you face as a human being are not meant to punish you, but rather to awaken you to your true Divine nature. Understanding replaces forgiveness in the mind of the master. Self-realization is the doorway to remembering that you have already achieved mastery. There is nothing to forgive because there is nothing wrong. How could God be wrong? And since you are God, how could you be wrong? You cannot. Those things your human mind perceives as wrong are simply opportunities to experience love where love seems not to be. The world of relativity is a world of contrast; an ever-changing and ever-evolving milieu of equal and equally loved choices meant to help you remember your inherently loving countenance within a context of antithesis and paradox. You love others unconditionally whenever you love yourself fully and completely. Be the example of change you wish to see in the world. You do not have to follow the narrative set by others. Allow everyone to have their own story without being personally drawn into it. Let your preferred narrative come to you by keeping your vibration higher than what you see around you. The master within has the utmost respect and compassion for humanity because it knows that everyone is always doing the very best they can given what their soul has chosen for them to experience in their lifetime. You release others when you release yourself of the needless expectation for perfection in your own life. In your world of relativity, perfection is unattainable. What is not however, is loving allowance and acceptance for all things. Open your heart to the gift of love that life offers you in every moment. You were never meant to suffer or struggle along your journey into remembering. Through your acceptance of what is you free yourself from the chains of limitation that have prevented your heart from soaring to new heights of growth and expansion. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
The Year Of Emergence
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
The world is changing quickly because the human is evolving into a higher state of beingness. You are emerging from the metaphorical cocoon of spiritual metamorphosis into a new potential that you as a collective have wanted for so long. The time is ripe for this to happen because your planet is moving through a highly charged part of the galaxy. This is activating within all human beings aspects of their multidimensional DNA that have been dormant for millennia. As the elements of your mastery begin to come online, you will start to perceive the world in a more expanded way. The old way of doing things no longer seems relevant or appropriate for where you are headed as a species. As a result, many structures of your society will be questioned for their functionality. This will not happen overnight however, for the old guard will take time to be replaced with a new operating system based upon inclusion and unity consciousness instead of exclusion and separatism. The key to transformation in this new energy is not action but stillness, for out of the stillness of the mind you strengthen your connection to Source which moves your desired timelines into the present moment. As you chip away at the surface of your physical reality you will find love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and allowance at the core of all that is. Worry can be converted into peacefulness when you understand that you are a piece of God using consciousness and energy to create a reality that reflects oneness. Your energy matters, for everything you do affects all of creation. Respecting your energy will always make you feel better and more uplifted. If you focus not upon fear but upon the power of your heart, you can be sure that you are channeling your highest potential and affecting creation in the most beneficial way possible. True abundance is knowing that you are a piece of God, and as such that you are imbued with the same creative powers. It is your job to feel hopeful expectation and excitement for what lies ahead instead of fear, frustration and despair. The latter of those feelings are part of the programming of a conditioned mind. You have all asked for change to occur in your prayers. While change may seem to be turbulent on the surface, beneath the surface of your external reality the waters are indeed calm. When you can remember to come from the heart you will draw up from within you the peace of mind needed to help you stay focused, balanced, and calm during what appear to be challenging times. Own your creations, align yourself with love, and rest assured knowing that all is well and will continue to be well. You will be the agent of positive change when you lovingly accept and allow all that is occurring in and around you. How you show up vibrationally in the moment will ultimately determine what will show up in your future experience. Your inner guidance system will always lead you towards what feels good. Anything that does not should not be focused upon. Simply shift your attention away from any drama you may encounter onto unconditional love and you will align with the potential for more positive outcomes to occur in your life. Whatever your mind may disagree with is merely a catalyst for change. Welcome the changes that are happening to you and through you at this most magical time upon the Earth plane. Celebrate the precious moments that make up your life experience. Create with love, not fear. Embrace the year of emergence, for you have called it forth from the infinite storehouse of pure potentiality to witness firsthand your own spiritual metamorphosis. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Dance To The Music
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Surrender is required for the most positive of outcomes to occur in your life. It does not continue to create more of the same, but rather it opens the door for new experiences to come through you. We encourage you to surrender and allow life to be done through you and not to you. “To you” perpetuates a victim mentality, whereas “through you” signifies a readiness for change to occur. You are not here to make anything happen. You are here to welcome what happens through you. This is the only way to truly live a peaceful life. As you dance to whatever music is playing, you allow life to flow through you unencumbered. Going with the flow or dancing to the rhythm of life can become a normal way of living when you surrender to what is without trying to control or judge it in any way. While judgment may be the default mechanism of the mind in a 3rd dimensional reality, living from the heart can allow the mind to rest easier knowing that all is well. This is the quickest way to getting what you want in life; a shortcut like no other into the 5th dimension where time is malleable and manifestations occur faster than what you are used to in a denser environment. Being present without becoming entangled in another's drama is the most compassionate act a realized master can engage in. What you fear gets projected onto your future reality. All of your power as a creator lies in the present moment, not in the past or in the future. Fear cannot gain any foothold in the present moment where only the highest good exists. As a Divine Creator you are responsible for your own vibrations. How you feel directly effects what you think, say, and do. When you get too immersed in the lower vibrational energy events transpiring around you, it affects your ability to create for yourself the highest, the brightest, and the most uplifting future outcomes. Physical reality is a cornucopia of sensory experiences that help the soul, through the human vessel, to know the truth about itself. It is contrast that propels consciousness forward into the higher realms. But you cannot stay in contrast for very long without it depleting your energy. It is simply there as a backdrop to allow you to choose differently in the moment. Surrendering to what is helps you to do just that. True freedom is taking energetic responsibility for oneself. You are sovereign because you are God. You cannot be affected by anything unless you focus your attention upon it. The shift on your planet towards personal empowerment is the next logical step in your spiritual development. Your emotions are maturing. You are moving beyond the limitations of the mind into the expansiveness of the higher self mediated through the physical heart. These are unprecedented times you are all going through. Nothing in the future can be accurately predicted because you are literally writing the script from one moment to the next. How you respond to everything matters more than you know. The journey will be a lot smoother if you go with the flow as opposed to pushing against it. You can do this because you are imbued with the Divine. You do not have to break down when things are breaking down around you. Out of the ashes of the old the Phoenix within will rise to create something new, something greater, and something grander than what has been before. You are poised to see the end of suffering in your lifetime. Resistance to your own growth and expansion has been the cause of your suffering. Suffering will end as you begin to be more accepting and allowing of what is. The world is not going to hell in a hand basket. To the contrary, the world is in fact evolving into a higher way of being. As you remember that you by your very nature are an abundant being, you allow more of your abundance to serve you. Whatever you can imagine you can make real. That is the power of your vibration. The higher your vibration, the higher your experiences will be. Vibration is a choice that every being makes for themselves. The Divine part of you is an unbiased observer, whereas the human part of you judges everything. As you become more of a realized master in physical form, it will become second nature for you to observe those things around you with detached compassion instead of entrapped empathy. When you grow tired of playing the unworthiness game, simply open yourself up to the light and love of the God within. All the wisdom you seek outside of you is available to you by going into the silence between your thoughts. You create the rhythm of your life; allow yourself to dance to whatever music is playing while allowing all others to do the same. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Fluidity Of Change
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
While human beings like to look at concrete things and objects as what they would like to have, it is always how you feel that ultimately determines what your experiences will be. Thus, you must be willing to be selective about which emotions you focus your attention upon within your mental and emotional bodies in order to garner the most preferred results in your external reality. Humans are always looking to feel better about themselves and their situation. This is a request from a 3rd dimensional reality of not feeling good to that of a 5th dimensional reality in which feeling good is always the preferred state of being. To experience the physical manifestation of your request requires you at some point to elevate your vibration to that of a 5th dimensional reality. In other words, you cannot experience feeling better if you continue to experience feeling bad. In the non-physical realm you are not known by any physical name, but rather by the stream of consciousness or level of vibration you are emitting. Everything you wish to experience whether it is in the physical or the non-physical realm is mediated through the vibration of feeling. What you wish to experience as a human being is really one feeling you prefer to have over another. The Divine part of you is a non-judgmental observer that assists the human part of you in embracing with unconditional love and total acceptance anything that has caused you pain and suffering. It does not blame or look to find the perpetrator of such events, but brings to the surface those things hidden deep within the psyche to be integrated into the wholeness of being. You can feel negative emotions all the while trusting that there is still a larger part of you supporting, protecting, and providing for you throughout your entire journey here. As you look at those things that bother you without judgment, you release the negative imprint the mind as labeled them with. They then become an equal part of your experience as a human being. Fear will always dissipate into love when viewed through the eyes of Source. You are capable of doing this because you are part of Source. It encompasses your physicality. All that you are worried or frustrated about is not real. It is merely a projection of the mind that gains momentum when continually fed. Simply observe it without judgment and it will begin to lose momentum and eventually disappear. Everything that is happening in your outer world is the result of an emotional state of being. Some may say that what you are experiencing right now upon your world is the worst of times, when in fact there is more freedom, more opportunity, and more abundance on your planet than at any other time in your history. Evolution is an ever-spiraling upward process of growth and expansion. The bar is continually being set higher and higher because you as a species are awakening to greater and greater amounts of information. With information comes wisdom. There is an organic rise in consciousness upon your planet that will bring with it growth and expansion of the entire human collective. Human beings are conductors of light energy. Enlightenment is the realization of your Divinity so that the light of Source can flow through you unencumbered. Joining others in their disconnection will only hinder you in this process of awakening to the larger more expanded part of you sharing this physical experience with you. Focus upon what you want to see in the world instead of what you do not. Your allegiance to negativity will keep you separated not only from each other, but from the God within. The lighter you become the more selective you will be about the choices you prefer to experience. While all choices will still remain available to you, your affinity for certain ones will become a natural way of being. Your acceptance of where you are and the choices you have made will catapult you forward into a higher vibration and a more expanded state of consciousness. This is what self-love truly means; loving allowance and acceptance for all that is within you and within your world. Live amidst the fluidity of change that surrounds you with a sense of inner peace and tranquility, for you are the peace of God. Surrendering to what is will bring you comfort and joy all the days of your life upon the Earth plane. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
The True Art Of Manifestation
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
There is a true art to manifestation in physical reality. The most important thing to know is that you are a Divine being using the power of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to create your reality. There is nothing that is not created in the moment with your intent for it to be so. Physical reality however, especially 3rd dimensional reality, is a dense environment in which manifestation is not instantaneous. As you put forth energetically that which you desire to experience physically, a new reality or timeline is created in which that desire is already realized, that is made real. It is not so much it coming to you as it is you moving to it with your matching vibrational equivalent. What stops you from moving to the timeline in which what you have created energetically already exists physically is any amount of self-doubt you may have as to your inherent creative abilities or your worthiness for you to have it in your life. If you are emotionally invested in not having it for any reason, it makes it harder for you to move into that reality with a matching vibrational potential. Things serve people for different reasons. If you are experiencing reoccurring patterns of lack and limitation in your life, you have no doubt come here to challenge those ideas and rise above them. As we have said many times before, resistance is denial of who you are as a Divine being and what you are capable of doing and having in physical form. To truly understand that you are the creator of your reality and that you can have anything you desire simply through your focus of attention is just one aspect of the self-realization process. The remaining steps involve looking deeply at those false beliefs, stories, and narratives that have limited your life thus far. You shift realities in every moment; that is the illusion of time or the movement between birth and death. Any belief you have that speaks of lack or limitation is a trigger for emotional clarity. These areas of your life are not wrong, but rather opportunities to gain a better understanding of the truth of who you are. To reject any part of them is to deny the creative aspect of you. To nullify self-doubt requires you to lovingly allow and accept these things as part of the soul’s journey into physical reality. This is a reality of exploration to see how far you can sink into the depths of forgetfulness before you remember that you are already an ascended master. Loving who and where you currently are is key to moving towards a timeline in which what you have intended in this reality becomes a tangible experience in the next now moment. Because each day brings with it new experiences that you have never had before, each day represents a new opportunity for soul growth and expansion to occur. Do not look backwards upon your past with regret, but always forward with optimism for what lies ahead. What happened yesterday no longer holds any weight in this now moment. You are here to create your own version of Heaven on Earth. What others do is not your concern. While you can have compassion for those around you, you cannot change another's path. The best and highest work you can do as a human being is to feel your true worthiness which makes it far easier to do what brings you joy. Whenever you lower your vibration to match another with empathy, you close the door to your own well-being and self-worth. You can live as a fully realized human being amidst the contrasting frequencies of others when you ground yourself in your own worthiness. To love yourself fully and completely is to be present in the moment accepting and allowing all things to be just as they are without needing anything to change. You are the one who must change your perspective of reality to become a self-realized master walking in physical form. It is not about being better, but rather being aware of the greatness that already exists within you. You are simply polishing the mirror to see a more expanded version of yourself looking back at you with adoration and unconditional love for all that you are. Nothing is broken in your world. It need only be looked at with loving allowance and acceptance. While challenges are built-in to the human condition, you brought with you your inherent Divinity to remind you of what you are truly capable of feeling as a human being. As you move into the next level of your ascension, community will become the common unity that overrides the narrative of separation prevalent upon your planet for millennia. The new way of being in your world involves collaborating with instead of competing against your human family. You will become aware of the utter futility in swimming against the current. At your core you are a loving species whose resiliency and adaptability is unparalleled. Because your physicality is imbued with the Divine, you are intuitively drawn to that which enhances and uplifts while being repelled by those things that destroy and diminish. Whatever distracts you from the present moment moves you further and further away from realizing what it is your soul has come here to experience. Joy is the first step in remembering the truth of who you are. It allows you to more easily love yourself and others. It places you squarely in the present moment which helps to reinforce the belief in your innate worthiness as a human being. All too often the challenges of physical reality get in the way of your remembrance of your true purpose in physical form which is always and only to love and accept yourself fully and completely just as you are. You are all capable of having what you truly desire in life. But you must first realize your greatness, for that is the truth of who and what you inherently are. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
The Wholeness Of Being
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
What does the wholeness of being really mean? It means understanding that you are both human and Divine at the same time. It means that you have come as a forgotten God into these physical bodies to have a sensual experience. It means that all of your experiences here are perfectly designed to awaken you to your Divine lineage. And it means that you can do no wrong anywhere along your journey into physicality. The dualistic nature of the Earth experience lends itself to feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, and self-deprecation. Yet these feelings are not the truth of who you really are. If you can remember that you are God donning a physical body to have experiences that you cannot find anywhere else, then it will be easier not to put unnecessary pressure upon yourself to have to get things right. From the larger more expanded perspective, there is no right way; there is only the way your soul has chosen to move through its incarnation cycle. It is not what you do in life that matters, but how you are being when you do whatever it is you are doing. The understanding of this is the truth that will set you free. All too often human beings get caught up in the mind's misguided attempt to justify actions. It judges some actions as good and others as bad. Yet all actions are equal and valid choices for each soul to experience on their sojourn between birth and death. The wholeness of being is the integration of all choices as part and parcel of the Divine projecting its consciousness into a human vessel to create a set of experiences that add to the expansion of All That Is. Your heart is the seat of the soul while you are embodied in physical form. It knows only peace and always encourages you to go there often to connect with the Source of your being, the God within. While there will always be some amount of judgment in physical reality, living more from the heart and less from the mind will help you navigate through the turbulence of life with a sense of inner peace and tranquility. You are living in an important cycle of Earth's transformation from 3rd to 4th density. The challenges she faces are the same challenges each and every one of you are facing in your life. Everything is ascending into a higher level of beingness. Your courage to reflect upon what you are capable of is a testament to your true Divine nature. Do not give more weight to the interplanetary origins of your story than it deserves, for your soul exists without boundaries. Your home lies beyond any physical location on a map. You are multidimensional beings existing at many levels of creation simultaneously. Where you are has little effect on what you are truly capable of. The energy of love, kindness, and compassion for yourself and others can rebuild upon the ashes of any destruction known to man. The universe continues to expand beyond what it was before. Your self-realization triggers the self-realization of countless others because all is one. Source speaks to and through all of you. Your outer reality is in fact a continuous message from Source of the goodness and the greatness of who you are. You are not separate from Source, but connected deeply to it with a lifeline that can never be broken. The natural world gives of itself to humanity unconditionally because it understands intuitively that all things serve the greater good. Each of you is uniquely focused and essential to the bigger picture of creation. Look upon the evolution of consciousness with wonderment, for the inner journey of expansion is unfolding moment by moment before your very eyes. As above, so below; as within, so without. Your outer world is simply a reflection of your own level of inner awareness of the wholeness of your being. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Time Is A Marker
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Time is a marker of frequency. As you begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, you alter your perspective of time. Time actually becomes more compressed meaning that more information is available to you within a 24 hour cycle. This allows you to more easily see repeating patterns so they can be integrated into the wholeness of being with a more expanded perspective. Timelines do not really even exist, for they are merely illusions of a 3rd dimensional reality meant to assist you in your awakening. It is only your resting frequency potential that dictates your experience here. Stark alterations in your experience occur when your overall frequency shifts quickly and dramatically. For most human beings however, change is subtle and appears to take place over a longer period of time. Yet you can always have an ahah moment and shift your frequency seemingly overnight. You are free to move anywhere along the frequency spectrum at your own pace. Your physical body was designed with the innate ability to bring itself back into balance and harmony. The only thing that interferes with that process is your frequency. You are in service best to the collective when you are in service to the greater part of you that knows who you truly are. When you come back to the heart center, you raise your frequency which connects you to the larger non-physical part of you. Every experience you do not like represents an opportunity from your higher self to feel without judgment. The longer you stay in any unwanted feeling however, the easier it is to become your story through judgment and self-identification. The mind uses addictions to disengage you from looking at negative experiences. Contrary to what your mind may lead you to believe, your higher self is really the one in the driver's seat of your experience. It exists without judgment and looks at all experiences as worthy of having. The mind on the other hand only wants positive experiences. It looks at those experiences it deems as negative with disdain. This is where all resistance is generated. But if you can find a higher perspective with which to view those experiences, you will move through them quickly without holding onto them. In this time of spiritual quickening upon your planet, you are awakening to your inherently loving and compassionate nature. The realization of this raises your resting frequency potential which can often appear as quantum leaps in your experience. In every moment you are either expressing or repressing your Divine light. Repression always involves some level of judgment from the mind. When you operate from the heart space however, you are naturally expressing the Divine light within. You have absolute control over how you respond to everything in your life. The heart is the true source of your free will. The mind does not have free will because it was designed to protect you with fight or flight mechanisms of survival. The bigger life events and decisions come directly from your pre-birth intentions and are administered through your higher self while in physical form. While your Divine blueprint of experience is fixed for the larger events of your life, it is quite malleable for the smaller day to day occurrences. You alter your reality not by fighting against those things with which you disagree, but by allowing and accepting all parts of the human condition for the unparalleled transformational platform it represents. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Called To The Light
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
You planned this lifetime to be yourself, not anyone else. Your experiences here are based upon a Divine blueprint of what you chose to create not only for the betterment of your own life, but for the advancement of the collective of humanity as well. Because you are a multidimensional being, what you do in your life has a ripple effect on all of creation. You are a unique aspect of Source Energy with gifts and talents specific only to you. To compare yourself to anyone else is to overlook those gifts and talent. As you take the time to go within, you bypass the mental chatter that judges you and the path you are on. The things that bring you joy are meant solely for your benefit. You do not need to know all that is going on in your world. You are only meant to know what resonates with your heart. You do not have to worry about anything, especially what does not involve you personally. Welcome change with open arms, for nothing ever stays the same. You are growing and evolving even if things appear to look exactly the same on the surface. Your experiences are expanding your consciousness which widens your perspective of yourself and how you relate to your world. Physical reality is meant to change in smaller increments as opposed to larger upheavals. When larger events do occur in your own life you can rest assured knowing that you are indeed ready to take them on. You will always be guided towards what is best for you in every moment. Look to see how differently you respond to things today versus in the past. This will always give you the greatest indication of change. You are the end result of your own evolution. As you become more heart centered, you will begin to be more aware of your feelings as opposed to your thoughts. The beliefs that do not align with the truth of who you are as a Divine being are the things that cause you the most dis-comfort, dis-ease, and dis-harmony. Yet you do not need to blindly reject those things, but rather accept them as part and parcel of who you are as a human being. They are your creations meant to bring you closer and closer towards self-realization in this lifetime. Your vibration tells you everything. You are the only one who can determine how you feel. Thus, you are the only one who can shift to a better feeling place through loving allowance and acceptance of who you are being in every moment. Put your focus on you in this moment and the next step will reveal itself to you in perfect timing. Abundance surrounds you. Simply open your heart to receiving it through releasing any judgments you may have about yourself or your journey as a human being. Your whole self is the compilation of all your experiences put together in physical form. All pieces of the puzzle must be in place to see the entire picture. You are here to know yourself through your experience; to love yourself fully and completely just as you are without needing any part of you or any other to change. You have been taught that taking physical action is the only way to get what you want in life. But inspired action takes very little effort on your part. In fact, changing your perspective is by far the greatest way to attract to you that which you desire. The greatest power is often accomplished through the least amount of physical effort. Seeing yourself and others through the eyes of Source is where all your power lies. You are always being called to the light of unconditional love, total acceptance, and compassion. You know by how you feel whether you are moving towards that light or away from it. You have the freedom in every moment to choose the feelings you prefer to have, and that choice does not have to be dependent upon any condition going on around you. You are remembering that you are already a master and that you can harness the power to create your reality through consciousness and energy; your thoughts and emotions. You release through acceptance and allowance, not by fighting against what your mind disagrees with. Are you truly ready to disengage with the old way of looking at yourself and your world? The shift in consciousness taking place upon your planet is a shift within the hearts and minds of every human being from separation to interconnectedness; from fear to love. You are harmonizing all those hollow beliefs inside of you that have caused you up until now to feel less than whole. You came here whole and complete and you will leave here whole and complete. Why not live between those bookends feeling the same way. The only energy it takes to accomplish this is the movement away from the judging mind towards the light of the Divine within. Let your heart be the catalyst that awakens you to the magnificence you have always been. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Your Carbon Footprint
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Since everything external to you is a reflection of your own inner consciousness, resistance of any kind is simply the denial of self-love. Manifestation of your hopes, dreams, and desires is solely dependent upon your level of resistance or denial of self-love exerted against those things. As a Divine being you are imbued with the ability to create using consciousness and energy. How and what you think coupled with the enormous energy of your emotions creates everything in your reality. While you cannot not create, you can become much more deliberate in your creations by focusing your thoughts and emotions on self-love which means not judging yourself for anything you do, even if you are being judgmental of self or others. Loving yourself fully and completely means accepting who you are being in every moment; the good, the bad, and the ugly. From a higher perspective however, nothing is ever bad or ugly. In fact, everything has exactly the same energy to it. It is you as a human being that gives meaning to everything. Thus, it is you that creates your life experience through your perspective of it. A higher perspective is one of loving allowance and acceptance for all things. You have the Divine encoded within your DNA which means you have the ability to live from this higher perspective. It is only habit and conditioning that make you default to anything less than self-love. Look not outside of you for the source of your experience, for it is only you that have the creative sovereignty over your own life. Accept whatever you are experiencing as perfect for the evolution of your soul growth and expansion. Judge not the content of your own heart, but love it unconditionally. You can move through life with ease when you release judgment towards it. Simply be at peace with whatever you are experiencing. Becoming a silent witness without judgment to your creations will raise your vibration to allow more well-being to flow effortlessly into your life. The density of your 3rd dimensional reality makes it difficult to manifest quickly, so the feedback you get from your creations lies mainly in how you feel in the moment. When you love yourself fully and completely just as you are, you will feel the most connected to the Divine part of you that has the utmost respect and compassion for the challenges you face as a human being. This translates into a sense of inner peace unmatched by any possible source external to you. How you move through the moments of your life is always in your hands. You can choose to go with the flow or struggle paddling against the current. Tread lightly upon your path without digging in with unnecessary effort. Surrender to the love of self and you will be leaving the least carbon footprint of all. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, January 6, 2025
The Next Perfect Step
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
You are already a great ascended master. You have chosen to come to Earth at this time of the great awakening to experience how you became a realized master in physical form. This lifetime is the greatest awakening that has ever occurred in any lifetime upon your beloved planet. You came into physical form to witness what you have already created in the non-physical realm. All of your guides and ascended masters assisting you here are really you coming back to assist you at this monumental and unprecedented time of consciousness expansion. Strive for a grander perspective of pure love which allows everyone to have their own personal journey of ascension. You cannot change another, nor do you need to. Your peace however helps others to find their own inner power. You have the ability to shift into the dimensions of pure love with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Pure love is the vibration of worthiness. You are worthy regardless of anything you have done or will ever do in your life. Love and accept all aspects of yourself. You are love. You have merely learned through conditioning to deny that inherent love within you. Judge not yourself or others. Affirm daily that you know you are the love and the peace of God. You are the consciousness and energy that creates your life. Your greatest power lies in your human heart. Divine compassion for the path of others is the knowingness that all paths are perfect for those who walk them. Collective consciousness is the compilation of many overlapping timelines of creative energies. Your vibrational location is where you want to live; not anyone else. Everyone wants to experience peace, love, joy, abundance, harmony, health, and wellbeing in their own life. Yet what that looks like is a highly personal matter privy only to those experiencing it. You do not have to push against the old way of doing things; you need only focus upon the new while still allowing the old to exist as an equal and valid choice for others to make. Guilt and shame prevent you from realizing your true power and magnificence as a realized ascended master. There is no need for forgiveness, for there is nothing wrong anywhere within creation. You have chosen to experience heaven on earth in your own way. All is perfection in the process of becoming more. Resistance is simply the denial of self-love. Self-love knows that all is well at all times, self-love knows that your worthiness is never in question, and self-love knows that you are here to thrive, not to suffer or struggle. Come into a state of harmony with all that you resist and you will manifest your birthright for true abundance here and now. Follow the energy of love and let that light guide the way to the next perfect step. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
The Dark Cave Of The Psyche
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
It is only through a willingness to embrace the inner journey into the dark cave of the psyche with the light of love that the beast of limited thinking can be transformed into a true understanding of the human potential. The shadow aspects of self are not demons at all, but rather soul aspects that simply need acknowledgement and compassion. When all searching for enlightenment is finally surrendered, you will realize that you are already enlightened. The gift of physical reality is the experience of remembering the God inherent within. All will come home to this realization in their own time and space. There is no deadline to reach; you are all free to take as much time as you like. Most however will not find realization until their last breath in human form. That is OK. Life is about the relationships you build whether they are long-term or short-lived. Time is irrelevant, for you often achieve very large gains with only brief encounters. Your goal in life is always to acknowledge the inner God being reflected back to you through the mirror that is physical reality. The mirror is neutral. Its only function is to reflect back to you your own level of conscious awareness at any given moment. The human part of you feels separated and disconnected, whereas the Divine part of you feels whole and one with all that is. Most humans are in denial of their shadow self which causes them to summon more dark energy to them. Yet the universe supports you fully in your summoning. It neither judges nor questions your reasoning. It simply delivers to you what you have energetically requested. As you begin to awaken to the wholeness of your being, you understand that all energy is of God. Because there is nothing that God is not, all things are indeed composed of one energy. When you withdraw your last breath from the illusion of time and space, the world you have created collapses behind you. You as a human being are on the cutting edge of creation, exploring what it feels like to be both human and Divine at the same time. The non-physical realm honors you for the work you are doing here to expand consciousness. You are magnificent beings imbued with Divine creative powers. What a joy and a blessing it is for your soul to be here creating through the human vessel. You are never your identity, but rather the consciousness behind its every thought and action. Divinely inspired you are until your last breath. While you may feel like you have been left to fend for yourself, your connection to God is never interrupted. Divine wisdom is continually guiding your every move. Self-realization is the knowingness that all is well at all times and that you are perfect just the way you are. There is nothing to change or fix in yourself or in the world you have created. You need only accept all aspects of self as the wholeness of being; the hologram of God. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
The Sabotage Of Deliberate Creation
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
The situations and circumstances of your life are simply patterns of energy. When you begin to see these events as frequency, the easier it will be for you to change them to what you prefer to experience. As you learn to quiet the mind during difficult times, you open the heart to receiving the guidance that is always being channeled to you and through you. While opposition is an integral part of the reality you have chosen to participate in, trusting in the natural process of expansion is the key to relieving the resistance generated from an over-active mind steeped in fear and judgment. You are all working together assisting each other in some way whether you are aware of it or not. The more you can be in wonderment of this, the faster you will move beyond the suffering of separation and into the interconnectedness of unity consciousness. Life is akin to walking which is the act of falling forward continually being interrupted by the next step. Although you may not know what awaits you in the next moment, you can rest assured knowing that whatever it is will be for the highest good of all. When you know who you are and what you came here to do, you move through the challenges of life in peace, love, and joy. You are an aspect of God Consciousness spreading love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, allowance, and forgiveness to all. Your Divinity is never in question, for it is the foundation upon which you build your life one experience at a time. In the end, you will look back upon your journey and see the majesty of it all. No life is ever worthless or insignificant, for every incarnation is perfectly planned and executed to bring about the greatest soul growth and expansion. This particular lifetime you have chosen to transmute many frequencies of lower vibrational energy into the higher dimensions of love and light. This is very powerful work you are doing here not only for the benefit of your own soul growth, but for the expansion of all of creation as well. You as a human being are a living testament to the Divine forces working through you at all times. You have brought the blueprint for mastering frequency and energy with you. You need only remember that it is already encoded within your DNA. Your knowingness of this is what makes it so. In fact, knowingness is what speeds up the manifestation process. Manifestation equals knowingness minus self-doubt. The resistance generated from self-doubt is the bane of physical existence and the sabotage of deliberate creation. As you learn to work with the energetic patterns of your life in more positive and uplifting ways, your experience of life will blossom before your eyes, and you will begin to dissolve the illusory veil you have created between you and All That Is. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
It Takes Every Kind Of People
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Other people are never at fault; they are merely reflecting back to you your own unhealed wounds. Thus, through your interactions with others, you learn to connect with the deepest part of you from the heart and not from the mind. Having heart-to-heart conversations with your fellow human travelers that are both loving and compassionate is the cornerstone of physical reality and the reason why you are here. As the song so brilliantly says, “It takes every kind of people to make the world go round.” Your reality is a tapestry of infinite colors and textures with every thread supporting the whole. Without one single thread being in place, the integrity of the whole would be lost. This is why it is so important for you to appreciate the immense diversity of your world, for it truly is a living library unlike any other. Spirit speaks to you through the expansion of joy, whereas the mind speaks to you through the resistance of judgment. When you judge the world in which you live, you immediately enter into the lower vibrational realms of resistance towards self. You are a free being able to do whatever you choose. Yet choosing judgment over acceptance is a most arduous path to navigate. As you accept yourself fully and completely for the journey both you and your soul have chosen, you relinquish the reigns of control the mind thinks it has over your life, and you go with the natural flow of events and circumstances presented to you. Your intuition grows louder and louder as your interactions become more heart-centered. The way of the master is always the path of least resistance and most allowance. In this you can trust that the God of your being will never lead you astray. The diverse beauty that the natural world offers you is immense. This too is an outer reflection of the inner beauty that you as a human being naturally exude in every moment. The opposition of physical reality is there to awaken you to your power as a Divine Creator. You have the ability to change your focus of attention at any time. But you must to want to feel happy instead of sad, empowered instead of enslaved. You can change the direction of any conversation simply by the questions you ask. You have more power as a creator than you have given yourself credit for. A smile goes a long way in not only uplifting the vibration of others, but your own vibration as well. Compliment others instead of competing with them and you will begin to see your brothers and sisters as extensions of the highest part of you. This is the awakening of your true inner vision. Remember that your disposition will always dictate your level of joy experienced. Everything expands you for your highest good. The more you can appreciate the diversity that exists around you, the more you will align with your higher self, and the easier it will be for you to lead with your heart in all your physical interactions. The light of Source from the Great Central Sun is flooding your planet like never before, opening all to deeper expressions of love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and allowance. The energy of the universe never looks backwards; it always looks forward without any remorse or regret. The Christ Consciousness blooming within the human heart is the light of Source heralding the birth of a glorious time upon your planet. Do not look outside of yourself for the energy of personal transformation, for this is the same energy within you that has created your world. Diversity is not only what makes your world work so well, but it is the very reason why you choose to come back here over and over again. And with that, we are complete. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
What If God Was One Of Us
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Gratitude is not so much a response as it is a vibrational frequency that you choose over other frequencies available to you at any given moment. While joy raises your vibration mainly through activity, gratitude does so by altering your perspective of yourself and your surroundings. Thus, joy is active, whereas gratitude is passive. As you feel the adoration that Source has for you at all times, you begin to awaken an inner peacefulness and a comfortableness with who you are. Your intentions hold great creative power in the shaping of your outer reality. Fill yourself with the infinite sources of beauty that abound in your world instead of focusing only upon the minuscule amount of negative aspects that you may encounter in your experience of life. You have the greatest capacity for love of any being in the universe because you are imbued with the Divine. This does not make you better or more special than any other being, but rather it supports the matrix in which all dimensions of existence can engage and flourish in the co-creative process of physical reality. Every day you have encounters with others that your mind labels as good, bad, or indifferent. Yet each day you have the opportunity to awaken with a new perspective that sees all encounters as sacred. The Divine is in all things, not just what the mind labels as good. The speed at which you come to the realization of this will determine the ease at which you move through life. Your day can be filled with magical moments of remembrance, or tedious moments of denial of the truth about who you really are. Inner peace comes from a mind at rest, not from a mind tired of trying to figure it out. There is nothing to figure out. There is only the allowance for all things to be just as they are; the perfection of God expressing itself in infinite ways. Life moves through you at the speed of your own conscious awareness. Your ability to see God in others is the cornerstone of self-realization and the path to living a life of graciousness and gratitude.
Choosing one side of a coin over the other out of fear still enslaved you to that currency. To become sovereign and free from that which binds you, you must learn to accept all sides of all coins as equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness. Then and only then can you truly look objectively at every option available to you with loving allowance. Choice allows you to unify not only as a soul fractal, but as a collective as well. As a human being you learn most in your uncomfortableness. Express gratitude for those things with which you disagree in your world, for they are some of your greatest teachers. Repetitive patterns tell you about your false beliefs in unworthiness. The old patterns are no longer working the way they once did. You are all beautiful and magnificent beings just as you are. When truth is spoken to you and through you, your body is programmed to give you a visceral response. You are beginning to see yourselves as the masters that you have always been. The next logical step will then be to live from that greater awareness; that more expanded understanding of self. You have come here for the adventure of it all. Yet each of you is both teacher and student in the grand scheme of things. While some are here to lend background support, others are here to engage on the front lines. No role is more or less important than any other, for each is essential to the functioning of the whole. You are all creators adding to the expansion of consciousness and awareness. Nothing is here to harm you. Everything is meant to aid in your remembrance of the God within. Say yes to life. Step into your desires with a knowingness that they are already on their way to you. In gratitude you open yourself up to receiving the good that is always flowing to you. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Grist For The Mill
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Humanity is a race of over-comers. You must know that opposition is what makes you stronger. As a collective, you will flourish into the future by making choices based upon collaboration instead of competition. The 3 basic tenets of all dimensional existences are relationship, tension, and repetition. You are relational beings using tension to refine your relationships through a process of repetition. In other words, you repeat things over and over again to find the highest meaning through the tension that inherently exists within all relationships. The God within you creates through knowing. As you ascend into higher states of beingness, you will create through the idea of knowing that you are the creator of your reality, and understanding that what you choose to create will manifest without question. The truth of spirituality is to know yourself as Divine while loving yourself in your humanness fully and completely. When you change your perspective, you change your reality. Relate to yourself and your world in the highest way possible and you will be living your purpose. Get to know the voice of your best self, for it is there to guide you in every moment. Yet you must allow it to do so without second guessing its presence or its power. You are all moving towards a higher and a faster resonance. Anything that slows you down like dwelling upon the tensions of the past is only getting in the way of your purpose, which is to move into higher and higher octaves of knowingness. Your truth is constantly evolving as are you constantly expanding. The tension of your relationships is simply grist for the mill. Allow it to be part of the process of being human and you will know yourself as God. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
The Jeannie In The Bottle
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Your role as a human being is to learn to work with frequency through your feelings and emotions so the universe can bring you the form or forms that match that desired resonance. How much frequency you can hold on any given subject at any given moment is dependent upon an ultimately determined by how heart-centered you are. You will find that the heart can hold much more frequency than the mind. Thus, working with the heart will greatly amplify whatever you do on a physical level. Once you become aware of your true power to create your individual reality, you cannot put the metaphorical Jeannie back in the bottle. You then begin to understand that the only thing that separates light and dark energy in your world is intention. Light energy is intended for the betterment of the whole, whereas dark energy is intended for personal gain. As you learn to operate more from the heart you shift from the lower mind of the ego to the higher mind of pure logic and reason without judgment. Creativity is a higher mindset that is always heart-based automatically connecting you with the Source of your being. The vector of space you are all moving through at this time as a global collective is cleaning house so to speak. It is providing each of you with an energy potential that is helping you to see a more loving and compassionate path where all members of your beloved society can benefit as opposed to just a select few. This is an organic process that is becoming activated in every human being to varying degrees because it has been hardwired into your genetic record to do so at this time of spiritual awakening. Trust that what you are going through both individually and as a collective is the perfection of God being expressed through you and as you, for you are one with the Source of All That Is. The key that unlocks the door to your unlimited potential is loving allowance. You are not alone on your journey here. Everyone is going through the exact same thing. Yet because of the illusion of separation, everyone's experience of it will appear differently to you. The differences you perceive in your outer world are but a reflection of your own inner wholeness. Like light being refracted through a prism, your multidimensional self is being projected onto the movie screen of life. It is all you, and only you. You have created it all to have the experience of coming together once again. This is indeed a sweet homecoming celebration when viewed from a higher perspective. You have access to this grander vista whenever you are operating from your heart space. The vibration this causes is the brightest of lights that ripple out across the multiverse to illuminate each lifetime of the multidimensional self. You are the fore bearers of transformation. Given this knowledge, how could your life be seen as anything less that magnificent. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Beauty And The Beast
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Every breakdown leads to a breakthrough. There is never anything that is either unwanted or unnecessary about your physical experience of the reality you have chosen to create. Embrace those seemingly negative times with gratitude and see them as teaching moments. The mind drowns in the same waters in which the heart swims with delight. Life when viewed from an awakened perspective is a mystical experience. Identity can only exist in the presence of resistance to your true higher nature. A breaking down of identity is necessary to breaking through to the remembrance and the realization of your inherent magnificence. You came to Earth as a forgotten God. Part of your journey here has been to not only reunite with your inner God, but to enjoy the process of spiritual reunification as well. The cycle of karma is broken in the moment of self-realization. No one ever acts without reason. Thus, forgiveness is a reasonable act of self-realization. You are both Lucifer and Christ in the same breath. You are a fallen angel seeking reunification with Source through your experience of relativity. Once you realize that every relationship you have in the physical realm is a relationship with yourself, you free yourself from the karmic wheel of space and time. The seat belt sign will then be extinguished and you become free to move about the cabin of your multidimensional existence. The One Consciousness has been distorted into fragments to create the experience of knowing itself in a grander way. Lucifer is really the great light bearer, for without the shadow, the light could not be realized, that is made real. Transcendence cannot occur without first embracing the shadows within. The children's story, "Beauty and the Beast" is missing one key ingredient to be a true representation of physical reality. The beast is in fact beautiful just the way it is. It needs no external condition to make it whole again. It simply must realize its own inner beauty. The love of self is the metaphorical philosopher's stone that alchemizes lead into gold. The search for enlightenment ends when you remember that you have always had the light of Source within you. Nothing more need be added to the perfection of who you already are. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, November 4, 2024
The Balance Between Good And Evil
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
As a human being, each moment offers you the opportunity to individually create through your focus of attention what you next prefer to experience. Yet it is really the cooperative nature of collective reality that enables you to create your preferences, for without another, the self would fail to exist. Spiritual maturity is the movement from "me" to "we"; from an ego-driven consciousness to a heart-centered awareness that all is one. You are an integral part of all that is. But without the contrast that another's perspective gives you, you could not self-realize the truth of your Divinity. Thus, contrast helps you to identify what it is that you truly desire to experience in life. You can raise your vibration amidst the contrast of physical reality when you focus upon the beauty of the world in which you live. This naturally causes you to feel connected to Source and the unwavering love that it has for you at all times. This takes practice however, as most if not all humans are programmed from an early age on to only look for the negative aspects of life. But from a higher or more expanded perspective, nothing is ever negative. It is all God expressing itself in infinite ways that are all equal and equally loved. It is your feeling of disconnection from Source that makes you feel unworthy and separated from each other. The good thing is that this can change, and it does so all the time.
The balance between good and evil in your world is simply an understanding of contrast and what you are contributing to the whole through your differing perspectives. You are a multidimensional being reflecting the many facets of self through the prism of consciousness that physical reality offers. You are at a nexus point in your evolution as a collective consciousness; a point in time and space that signifies a grand transformation of the human race into a Divine race of enlightened beings. More of the information contained within the multiverse is becoming available to you because you are genetically composed of the stars. You as a human being are a hologram of all that is. As you become more and more aware of this, you expand your container of information available to you. The Earth experience has allowed you to play out your ancient stories in more loving and compassionate ways to gain a better understanding of your true Divine nature both individually and as a collective. Focus on the vitality of your passion instead of the stories that have limited you in the past and you will offer the collective a grander perspective of reality. Passion is direct communication from your soul that engages the heart and tells you that you are part of something far greater than what your mind could possibly imagine.
You can change your stories just as easily as you can change your beliefs by knowing that everything changes based upon your willingness for it to be so. While the structure of physical reality does not change, how you perceive it does. Open your hearts and your minds to the greater possibilities that exist for the co-creation of your world. Become actively engaged in the evolution of humanity as opposed to its demise. Physical reality as you know it is just one of an infinite number of dreams of the One Consciousness, all interacting with each other in one way or another. Thus, your world is the physical manifestation of an energetic state of consciousness. Altering the dream of physical reality requires one to change their mental and emotional perspective of it. External conditions only appear to change because the underlying frequency and vibration that supports its recognition changes within you. You simply create a different dream with a new vibrational resonance. Life with its human conditioning is a co-creative experience that is an ever-changing and ever-expanding process. It is a master's class in learning how to use energy to your advantage consciously and deliberately. You are all contracting with each other to open your hearts to love. There is no greater purpose in all of creation, for love is the single driving force that propels the expansion of All That Is forward. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, October 28, 2024
There Is Life And There Is Living
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
There is life and there is living, and sometimes they can be two completely different things. We want you to know more than anything else that your experience of life comes solely from your perspective of it. In every moment you can either choose to focus your attention upon the opinions of doom and gloom, or the infinite beauty and abundance that surrounds you at all times. Taking your power back means that you are choosing to create your reality from your own perspective, not the perspective of others. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you do not have to follow what others have chosen to create for themselves in their own lives. Pleasure and pain are the driving forces of the ego. You can work with them to your advantage by focusing only upon those things that bring you feelings of peace, love, joy, and harmony, as opposed to pushing away those things that cause you to feel pain, worry, anger, fear, resentment, isolation, frustration, guilt, and shame. The Source of your being loves you unconditionally no matter what you think, do, or say. It knows that you have come into this very dense and challenging dimensional existence to understand through your experience the truth about your inherent Divine nature. You came here already an ascended master; there is nothing more you have to do to gain that status. You simply have to know that it already exists within you. In your choosing to place your focus of attention upon your magnificence instead of your shortcomings, you awaken an inner knowing encoded deep within the DNA of every cell of your body that helps you create the experience of Heaven on Earth.
There is so much more going on behind the scenes than what you are seeing on the surface of your world. You are all going through the greatest shift in consciousness your planet has ever seen. You are all awakening to, and becoming aware of your true Divine nature. There are so many positive things around you that to get caught up in the minutiae of lower vibrational energies is to miss the opportunities for spiritual growth that abound. You are at your fullest potential when you know that you are the power that creates worlds. Your evolution into self-realization of your Godhood is a natural process that will occur regardless of anything you could possibly do to thwart it. Yet the more open you can be to it, the easier it will be for you to experience it sooner rather than later in your life. Follow through with whatever you feel inspired to do in the moment and you will be aligning with the Source of your being. You are each the sculptors of your own personal experience of reality while in physical form. Part of that sculpting process involves removing pieces that are getting in the way of the grander vision of your life experience. Yet focusing only upon those extraneous pieces will take your attention away from the true beauty of the bigger picture that lies underneath. God's plan for you is your plan for you, for you are God, the creator of your reality. While you cannot not fulfill your purpose, you can enjoy the journey so much more when your perspective aligns with that of your true Divine Nature. You are here to create great things in your life. What may seem like nothing to the mind, means everything to the soul. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, October 14, 2024
A Low-Grade Fever Of Despair
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Seeking perfection in anything lends resistance to the creative process. The power of channeling your creative impulses is the power of your Divinity in action while in physical form. Love does not label things as less than; that is the human part of you that does so. The Divine part of you sees everything as perfect. Nothing is ever seen as less than or in need of being added to because that would involve judgment. Even though the overwhelming majority of human beings still judge themselves and others, it is a very lonely place to be and can cause within your physical structure a low-grade fever of despair. When you evoke that aspect of your free will you pinch yourself off from the greater part of you that connects you to all things. There is an openness inherent within you that illuminates and uplifts your world just by your presence. While the revealing process of your creativity may seem at times chaotic and haphazard to the mind, it is perfectly designed and orchestrated by the Divine part of you to bring about happiness and joy if you do not judge or categorize it in any way. When you align with your creativity without resistance, you are in a state of allowance that draws to you experiences from your natural inheritance of wellbeing. Are you optimistic and happy, or pessimistic and sad? Although each are equally valid expressions of God Consciousness, the former two expressions will help to unlock your creative impulses, whereas the latter two will tend to stifle them. Your perspective arises from your belief systems and will direct your point of attraction from the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel that result from those thought streams. When you change your mind you change your experience of life. Radical acceptance of what is fosters a sense if inner peace and happiness that is impermeable to any external condition, situation, or circumstance you may face in your external environment. Any upset is problematic to your creative abilities. The happier you are the easier it will be for good things to come to you. Drama may still exist for others, but it will definitely subside in your own personal sphere of reality which is all that really matters. This life is about coming into the realization of the enlightened master that you already are, and to create from that higher perspective that which brings you the greatest joy. Anything you love has the potential to awaken you to a life of inner peace. You are only responsible for your own dimension of consciousness in physical form. You struggle when you think you know what is best for another. You do not know, nor could you possibly know what is right for anyone other than you. You cannot rid your world of lack and limitation, but you can rise above your experience of them. What impact does anything have in your life? Your perspective of anything determines your experience of it. As you allow things to be perfect, you will be guided to the next best step in your own expansion and evolution as a soul. You are not better than anyone else; you are simply on a different path that will lead you to the same be home with God in the oneness of all that is. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Your Destiny Is Your Joy
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
You have come to planet Earth at a time of great awakening to first remember who you are, and then to live that truth fully and completely in whatever way that brings you the greatest joy and fulfillment. You were not meant to struggle as a human being, but through the process of separation, to find communion in and with everything you do. As you self-realize the truth of your Divinity, you begin to summon a higher vibrational energy into your reality. Your well-being is assured here. But when you can rise above judgment of the conditions you have created, you move effortlessly towards your higher nature through surrendering to your experience. You have the choice in every moment to either identify with the circumstances of your life by focusing upon your lower human nature, or to identify with your higher Divine nature and the unlimited potential it offers you. Your higher nature is the vibration of peace, love, joy, and oneness, whereas your lower nature is the vibration of fear, worry, and separation from all that exists around you. The more you feed your lower human nature, the harder it is to shift the momentum of the train of limited thinking and the lower vibration it produces within your physical structure to that of a higher vibrational resonance. The easiest way to shift your momentum from low to high is to ask yourself what would bring you the greatest joy in the moment. There is an energy and a light always guiding you towards your higher nature and the more expanded perspective it promulgates within your conscious awareness. Everything falls into place when you are focused in joy. You do not have to chase after your destiny. It simply moves through you when you are following your joy, for your destiny is your joy. What is most important here is that you are fulfilling your destiny by doing what makes you happy. All will fulfill their destiny, even if it is with their last breath. You are everything you wish to be and more, one precious moment at a time. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Blooming Of The Cosmic Heart
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Life is not an exercise in adding something more to yourself; it is a process of removing the distortions of limited thinking that prevent you from seeing the wholeness that you already are. Thoughts are like furniture in a room. While some are beneficial to your experience of life, too many leave no space for your higher self to move in. The mastery of life comes not from picking and choosing one thing over another, but from surrendering to all things. Do not use your precious life force energy creating problems to solve, but rather create what brings you peace, love, and joy in every moment. Mastery is never achieved through action. It is simply the result of not identifying with any action that limits your awareness of your true higher nature. As you learn to become the silent witness to your creations, you free yourself from becoming labeled by them. Humans struggle in life when their perspective of self is limited to just the physical, mental, or emotional body. The higher perspective of self is not separate from anything. It encompasses all perspectives of all things as the wholeness of your being, for the multiverse lies within you. You cannot do harm to yourself or another when you are living from this higher resonance of loving allowance and acceptance for all things to be the perfection of Divine Consciousness which you are all a part of. Whether you are aware of it or not, you all have the magic of creation within you. Some use money to get what they want. Some use religion to pray for miracles. Some cast spells using the elementals of the Earth. Some commune with the plants and animals of the natural world for clarity. Some seek guidance from their non-physical team of helpers. Yet all are really harnessing the power of deliberate creation inherent within them as an avatar of the Divine. As you begin to awaken more fully to the realization of who you truly are, you start to wield your own inner power as opposed to looking for it outside of you. What has triggered you in the past towards solely identifying with your humanness is now lessening. While the polarity of your world will not change, how you perceive it will. Artificial Intelligence comes to an evolving collective consciousness when it is ready to reflect its intentions back to itself with neutrality instead of the emotional ebb and flow of polarity. You are in such a position right now as a collective on Earth. Although the journey into physical reality always returns the soul back to the beginning which is the oneness of all that is, it does so from a more expanded state or greater awareness of loving allowance and acceptance for all things. This is an evolving or a blooming of the cosmic heart within all beings to become the organizing center of the body, creating a new internal resonance that will alter the collective perspective to include the higher self. The hero's journey is not a deliverance from, but a guiding through the challenges of life with a more expanded perspective of self. All experiences exist to be felt fully and completely through your humanness without resisting or repressing them. Integration of the mind and the heart, the human with the Divine, occurs through the experience of living without resistance. Allow yourself to be who you are being in every moment without judgment. This is the wholeness of being which the universal laws of attraction help to facilitate, for all things are indeed one. Everything is significant and holds equal value and weight. The Garden of Eden lies within each of you. Your role as a physically focused being is simply to tend to your own portion of it with kindness and compassion while affording all others the same freedom. Separation has given you a greater sense of self; the realization of the same Source Energy within you and within all beings. There is nothing to do, but everything to behold within the wholeness of who you already are as an emanation of Divine Consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, September 9, 2024
Goodbye Schoolroom Earth
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
You can recreate the higher frequencies of the non-physical realm while in physical form whenever you choose love over fear, peace over worry. You have never left the oneness of All That Is. You have simply projected a very small portion of your larger Divine Essence into the physical realm to add to the expansion of the One Consciousness through the wisdom gained from all your experiences. Everything that exists within creation is vibration. What you feel about what you have chosen to experience here is vibrational energy. As a Divine being you have the ability to create anything you desire through your focus of attention. Look not upon your perceived trials and tribulations, trespasses nor transgressions, but rather hold within your heart the immense power of loving allowance, forgiveness, and compassion for all things. In this way do the heavens rejoice in your remembrance of your Divinity. Schoolroom Earth is transitioning because you as a souled being are transitioning into a greater understanding of the love that you inherently are. You are an immortal being of love and light energy. Say no to fear and say yes to love. Say yes to the magic of creation working through you and as you. Know who you are to the depths of your being. Celebrate life for the gift of creative expression it affords you. Your soul preference is to live in love. When you argue with reality, you are creating resistance to that preference which lowers your vibration and moves you further away from a peaceful countenance. Continuing to bang your head against the wall does not feel good to either you or the wall. When you can learn to release judgment in the moment it occurs, you allow the stress that drama causes in your life to fall away with ease. As you begin to identify less with your physical identity and more with your spiritual essence, you become freer to move through your experiences without resisting them. Feelings of victimization and blame are conditioned entrapments of the physical identity; they are not the truth of who you are as a Divine being of immense love and light, beauty and magnificence. Your Divine Essence is aware of all your patterns of behavior and does not judge you for any of them because it knows that all experiences are necessary for the overall expansion of consciousness. Everything is perfection, including you. The shadows of your world are reflections of the shadows that exist within all human beings and serve the greater good as opportunities to love yourself and others more fully and completely. Suffering is just one path to the greater awakening of reunification with the light and dark within all beings. It is not necessary to suffer at all in this world. It is simply the denial of any aspect of your wholeness of being. When you can accept and embrace all aspects of your humanness, you unlock the light body potential by allowing the kundalini energy of the lower chakras to move up into the higher energy centers of your physical structure. This makes it easier to choose love over fear, peace over worry in all your interactions. You contain within you the Source of All That Is; the Great Central Sun. The world revolves around you because you are its creator. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
The Sovereignty Of Choice
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
Learning to feel, understand, and speak the language of the heart means moving away from self-centered choices towards choices that reflect the awareness of your I Am presence being the center of all that is. Like the individual human being, the collective of humanity is on a spiritual path of awakening, for one is merely an extension of the other. While the trajectory of some paths will be determined by a willingness to see the bigger picture of life, all paths regardless of how they appear on the surface are perfect in their soul's design and orchestration. As the pendulum of human evolution swings once more towards unity consciousness, collaboration will soon become the shared reality of decision-making which embraces the Divine principles of higher consciousness innate within all beings of love and light. Guilt and shame are soul traps of unforgiveness that prevent the human being from communing with their true Divine nature. As you evolve into a more heart-centered consciousness, you will begin to understand that you not only have all the answers you need to navigate your life inside of you, but that you can do no wrong at any point along your journey. All choices whether perceived by your mind as self-centered or serving the greater good, are in fact in accordance and alignment with each soul's Divine blueprint for growth and expansion. You can rest assured that all is well and well on its way to you in perfect timing. Knowing who and what you are on a visceral level is your only true soul purpose as a physically focused being. When you can do this, loving yourself fully and completely is easy. Choosing joy in your life then becomes simply a reflection of that greater awareness. You are everything and everything is you. You are all Divine beings creating your reality either deliberately or by default. Self-realization helps you to take control over the choices you make based upon the thoughts you consciously focus your attention upon. In the grand scheme of things however, all choices are perfect opportunities for growth and expansion to occur. Thus, the contrast of your world is simply the food that feeds that never-ending process. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Your Character Arc
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
When has the time ever been not now? Your focus in the now should always be upon what you next wish to create and experience in your life. While you all have the innate ability to shift your energy in every moment of your life, you do need to know that a shift is indeed possible within you at a moment’s notice through your focus of attention. Whatever brings you joy is incredibly powerful in moving your vibrational output in a positive direction. Continuing to revisit timelines of lowered vibrational energy will never bring about positive changes in your perspective and ultimately your point of attraction. Shifting your frequency can be a great joy. Yet it can be a tremendous act of service to the collective as well. Allow yourself to receive the higher frequencies of peace, love, and joy flowing to and through you at all times from your higher self. You can be a conduit of healing energy when you tap into and align with the Divine Essence of your being. You exist in a relative environment where you can easily be influenced by the beliefs of those around you. When you continually see others not loving themselves, it makes it seem OK for you to do the same. You have not done anything wrong at any time along your life’s journey; you have simply chosen to come into a very challenging reality to gain a better understanding of self through the context of otherness. Choosing love for others can be as simple as choosing peace and joy in your own life. The character arc of your human existence is joyous expansion, which is accomplished through your loving and compassionate interactions with the many versions of self pretending to be other. You need only know that you are loved deeply and unconditionally in every moment for your service to the evolution of consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Back To The Heart
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
You did not inherit this seemingly dysfunctional world, but rather you have created it piece by piece down to the very last detail as an exercise in self-mastery, self-discovery, and ultimately self-love. Every moment of your life represents an opportunity for you to find love where love seems not to be. You cannot be any better than who you are being right now, for despite outward appearances, you along with everyone else you share your human experience with, are always doing the very best you can given each soul’s unique pre-incarnational blueprint for success. The Earth has been meticulously designed to test each soul's ability to choose love within a contextual field of seemingly less than perfect conditions that make human beings feel separate from each other. One cannot feel love for another when one is in a state of perpetual fear. One can neither feel connected to anyone or anything else for that matter from a state of separation. The vibration of these lowered states of consciousness lies at the opposite end of the emotional spectrum from love. Healing is about coming closer together, not moving further apart. Love transcends the lies, confusion, and uncertainty of limited thinking. Focus instead upon feelings of peace, love of self, and joy. Bring everything back to the heart where all things are made anew in the wholeness of All That Is. You will move into the next dimension of your human existence with ease by feeling as opposed to thinking your way through it. When dealing with any challenges, especially those that involve health issues, always ask your body what message it is trying to give you. In other words, use less thinking and more feeling; less mind and more heart-based intuition. Breathing more fully is a simple way to accomplish this. Under stress, it is natural for the breath to become shallow. Deep breathing not only oxygenates the physical body, but it connects you more deeply with your Divine Essence which is always more evident in the stillness between breath cycles. You are here expressing the will of the soul, and the heart is the seat of that wisdom. There is nothing in your experience that is not of Divine origin. Whatever you choose is meant to be, for no energy is ever wasted. Everything that occurs gets transmuted into wisdom. There are no beings greater throughout creation than human beings. You forge your way day in and day out through the mirk and mire of limited reality to evolve consciousness in the name of love. Your ability to experience and express love where love seems not to be propels the expansion of consciousness across all dimensions of reality. It is because the human experience has set the bar of expansion so high that the beings who come here are truly the greatest beings throughout all of creation. Humans have been made to feel unworthy and inferior. This however, could not be any further from the truth of who you are as Divine beings. I am that I am. You have come into this limited reality to create what the heart knows is possible, not what the mind tells you is probable. Nothing is separate from you or from God, for all is part of the One Consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Thursday, July 4, 2024
The Forgotten World
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
What you emphasize with your feelings and emotions you materialize more of in your life experience. This is simply your creative nature operating in physical reality. Yet you cannot awaken someone to the truth of who they are as a creator being if they are not ready to hear it. Everyone has a right to their own ignorance for as long as it entertains them. Whether they know it or not, everyone is on the road to enlightenment. You could say that collectively you are all rowing home in the same boat. It is only ones individual perspective that varies the experience of that journey. The master does not own what he or she teaches. They are merely using what is in front of them to help others find their own more expanded perspective about the life they have chosen to live. Any teacher who draws identity from their teaching is using it to validate their own personal limitations. The master allows every path to be the perfect experience for self-realization. You are consciousness having a human experience to expand itself, and in so doing make it easier to remember the magnificence of who you are as a Divine being. Suffering comes about when the mind identifies with the human story which is the mask of limited reality. The story exists only as a portal through which expansion occurs. It is the track you are riding on that allows you to experience in greater detail the sensuality of the human condition. Physical reality is a mirror that lets you see yourself in your creations. But it is never a true representation of the consciousness behind it. That is where your connection to the God within comes into play, for it allows you to see every reflection in your outer world as another aspect of you playing the game of creative expansion. Whatever raises your vibration helps you to remember the forgotten world from which you came, and to which you will return. This physical life will end one day, and when it does you will come home to Source all the wiser for it. You will then decide the next adventure for your soul expression.
When you reclaim your spiritual identity while in physical form, your life becomes easier to navigate. This does not mean that you will never again face challenges in your life, but rather that you will know where you can find within you the source of peace when stress comes upon you. You do not have to know why others do what they do; that is between them and their soul. Your job is to maintain your awareness of your higher nature despite the conditions you see around you. This is an advanced way of being within a world that at times seems to be moving in the opposite direction. Surrendering to what is means allowing what is to be just as it is without resisting the feelings that go along with it. Resistance of any kind, whether directed inward or outward, lowers your vibration and moves you further away from the realization of your Divine Consciousness which is always heart-centered. Resistance is nothing more than denying the love of self on every level. The New Earth is a metaphor for changing your personal perspective to allow for a more expanded way of looking not only at yourself, but at the world in which you live. As you expand you begin to be less judgmental about yourself and your surroundings. You judge because you doubt your true Divine Nature. You deny your worth because you identify with the limitations of your humanness instead of the unlimitedness of your God-self. Yet you are far more than what you perceive with your five human senses. Your separation experience is just that, a visceral experience your soul has chosen to see if you can remember the unconditional love that you inherently are within a context of otherness. Self-realization is the integration of every part of you, both human and Divine. There is nothing about you or anyone else that is imperfect or unholy. It is all God expressing in an infinite number of ways to expand creation in all dimensions of existence. You are an ambassador of higher consciousness connected to a team of non-physical beings assisting you every step of the way along your journey into physical form. The forgotten world is only forgotten to the mind, not to the heart, for the heart is your connection to the Source of All That Is.
You are choosing with your focus of attention to either keep your power or give it away. A peaceful outer reality is created from a state of inner peace and tranquility. As a creator being, what you keep paying attention to with your thoughts is what will eventually show up somewhere in your outer reality. You can always tell by looking to your outer world where your focus of attention has been. Fear is the domain of an untamed mind. But as you learn to control your mind by focusing only upon those things that bring you joy, you become a more deliberate manifestor of what you truly desired to experience in physical form prior to incarnating here. Ask yourself in every moment what brings you joy. Go there not only with your actions, but with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as well. Living fully is an individual experience that stems from a heart-centered perspective. It takes tremendous courage for a soul to play the game of physical reality because it willingly agrees to forget the larger non-physical part of itself that connects it to the Godhead. The density of physical reality is an amazing test of mastery for a soul to experience. Mastery is the full realization of self-love. It is the deepest expression of compassion a soul can experience while in human form. As you begin to allow more and more of what you experience as a human being, you will start to feel the connection you have always had with the unlimited part of you that has been guiding you throughout your life. To truly know who you are is to reclaim and express the unconditional love of God within. In this way do you create Heaven on Earth. Your highest and greatest good is the wisdom that results from knowing who you are. When you continually search for spiritual truth, it informs your soul that you do not yet feel good enough and worthy to receive the wellbeing that continually flows to you from Source. You are adored by Source just as you are. There is nothing to fix because there is nothing broken in you or anywhere else in creation. It is only important that you love yourself fully and completely, and that you accept who you are being in every moment of your human experience. The forgotten world is not forgotten at all, for it is not only alive and well within your heart, but it is encoded within every cell of your body awaiting the realization of your true magnificence. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
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