Surrender is required for the most positive of outcomes to occur in your life. It does not continue to create more of the same, but rather it opens the door for new experiences to come through you. We encourage you to surrender and allow life to be done through you and not to you. “To you” perpetuates a victim mentality, whereas “through you” signifies a readiness for change to occur. You are not here to make anything happen. You are here to welcome what happens through you. This is the only way to truly live a peaceful life. As you dance to whatever music is playing, you allow life to flow through you unencumbered. Going with the flow or dancing to the rhythm of life can become a normal way of living when you surrender to what is without trying to control or judge it in any way. While judgment may be the default mechanism of the mind in a 3rd dimensional reality, living from the heart can allow the mind to rest easier knowing that all is well. This is the quickest way to getting what you want in life; a shortcut like no other into the 5th dimension where time is malleable and manifestations occur faster than what you are used to in a denser environment. Being present without becoming entangled in another's drama is the most compassionate act a realized master can engage in. What you fear gets projected onto your future reality. All of your power as a creator lies in the present moment, not in the past or in the future. Fear cannot gain any foothold in the present moment where only the highest good exists. As a Divine Creator you are responsible for your own vibrations. How you feel directly effects what you think, say, and do. When you get too immersed in the lower vibrational energy events transpiring around you, it affects your ability to create for yourself the highest, the brightest, and the most uplifting future outcomes. Physical reality is a cornucopia of sensory experiences that help the soul, through the human vessel, to know the truth about itself. It is contrast that propels consciousness forward into the higher realms. But you cannot stay in contrast for very long without it depleting your energy. It is simply there as a backdrop to allow you to choose differently in the moment. Surrendering to what is helps you to do just that. True freedom is taking energetic responsibility for oneself. You are sovereign because you are God. You cannot be affected by anything unless you focus your attention upon it. The shift on your planet towards personal empowerment is the next logical step in your spiritual development. Your emotions are maturing. You are moving beyond the limitations of the mind into the expansiveness of the higher self mediated through the physical heart. These are unprecedented times you are all going through. Nothing in the future can be accurately predicted because you are literally writing the script from one moment to the next. How you respond to everything matters more than you know. The journey will be a lot smoother if you go with the flow as opposed to pushing against it. You can do this because you are imbued with the Divine. You do not have to break down when things are breaking down around you. Out of the ashes of the old the Phoenix within will rise to create something new, something greater, and something grander than what has been before. You are poised to see the end of suffering in your lifetime. Resistance to your own growth and expansion has been the cause of your suffering. Suffering will end as you begin to be more accepting and allowing of what is. The world is not going to hell in a hand basket. To the contrary, the world is in fact evolving into a higher way of being. As you remember that you by your very nature are an abundant being, you allow more of your abundance to serve you. Whatever you can imagine you can make real. That is the power of your vibration. The higher your vibration, the higher your experiences will be. Vibration is a choice that every being makes for themselves. The Divine part of you is an unbiased observer, whereas the human part of you judges everything. As you become more of a realized master in physical form, it will become second nature for you to observe those things around you with detached compassion instead of entrapped empathy. When you grow tired of playing the unworthiness game, simply open yourself up to the light and love of the God within. All the wisdom you seek outside of you is available to you by going into the silence between your thoughts. You create the rhythm of your life; allow yourself to dance to whatever music is playing while allowing all others to do the same. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Rev., Dr. Arthur Keenan, DC ~ Spiritual Teacher ~ (626)437-8723
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....
"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."
Monday, February 17, 2025
Dance To The Music
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
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