While human beings like to look at concrete things and objects as what they would like to have, it is always how you feel that ultimately determines what your experiences will be. Thus, you must be willing to be selective about which emotions you focus your attention upon within your mental and emotional bodies in order to garner the most preferred results in your external reality. Humans are always looking to feel better about themselves and their situation. This is a request from a 3rd dimensional reality of not feeling good to that of a 5th dimensional reality in which feeling good is always the preferred state of being. To experience the physical manifestation of your request requires you at some point to elevate your vibration to that of a 5th dimensional reality. In other words, you cannot experience feeling better if you continue to experience feeling bad. In the non-physical realm you are not known by any physical name, but rather by the stream of consciousness or level of vibration you are emitting. Everything you wish to experience whether it is in the physical or the non-physical realm is mediated through the vibration of feeling. What you wish to experience as a human being is really one feeling you prefer to have over another. The Divine part of you is a non-judgmental observer that assists the human part of you in embracing with unconditional love and total acceptance anything that has caused you pain and suffering. It does not blame or look to find the perpetrator of such events, but brings to the surface those things hidden deep within the psyche to be integrated into the wholeness of being. You can feel negative emotions all the while trusting that there is still a larger part of you supporting, protecting, and providing for you throughout your entire journey here. As you look at those things that bother you without judgment, you release the negative imprint the mind as labeled them with. They then become an equal part of your experience as a human being. Fear will always dissipate into love when viewed through the eyes of Source. You are capable of doing this because you are part of Source. It encompasses your physicality. All that you are worried or frustrated about is not real. It is merely a projection of the mind that gains momentum when continually fed. Simply observe it without judgment and it will begin to lose momentum and eventually disappear. Everything that is happening in your outer world is the result of an emotional state of being. Some may say that what you are experiencing right now upon your world is the worst of times, when in fact there is more freedom, more opportunity, and more abundance on your planet than at any other time in your history. Evolution is an ever-spiraling upward process of growth and expansion. The bar is continually being set higher and higher because you as a species are awakening to greater and greater amounts of information. With information comes wisdom. There is an organic rise in consciousness upon your planet that will bring with it growth and expansion of the entire human collective. Human beings are conductors of light energy. Enlightenment is the realization of your Divinity so that the light of Source can flow through you unencumbered. Joining others in their disconnection will only hinder you in this process of awakening to the larger more expanded part of you sharing this physical experience with you. Focus upon what you want to see in the world instead of what you do not. Your allegiance to negativity will keep you separated not only from each other, but from the God within. The lighter you become the more selective you will be about the choices you prefer to experience. While all choices will still remain available to you, your affinity for certain ones will become a natural way of being. Your acceptance of where you are and the choices you have made will catapult you forward into a higher vibration and a more expanded state of consciousness. This is what self-love truly means; loving allowance and acceptance for all that is within you and within your world. Live amidst the fluidity of change that surrounds you with a sense of inner peace and tranquility, for you are the peace of God. Surrendering to what is will bring you comfort and joy all the days of your life upon the Earth plane. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Rev., Dr. Arthur Keenan, DC ~ Spiritual Teacher ~ (626)437-8723
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....
"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Fluidity Of Change
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
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