There is a true art to manifestation in physical reality. The most important thing to know is that you are a Divine being using the power of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to create your reality. There is nothing that is not created in the moment with your intent for it to be so. Physical reality however, especially 3rd dimensional reality, is a dense environment in which manifestation is not instantaneous. As you put forth energetically that which you desire to experience physically, a new reality or timeline is created in which that desire is already realized, that is made real. It is not so much it coming to you as it is you moving to it with your matching vibrational equivalent. What stops you from moving to the timeline in which what you have created energetically already exists physically is any amount of self-doubt you may have as to your inherent creative abilities or your worthiness for you to have it in your life. If you are emotionally invested in not having it for any reason, it makes it harder for you to move into that reality with a matching vibrational potential. Things serve people for different reasons. If you are experiencing reoccurring patterns of lack and limitation in your life, you have no doubt come here to challenge those ideas and rise above them. As we have said many times before, resistance is denial of who you are as a Divine being and what you are capable of doing and having in physical form. To truly understand that you are the creator of your reality and that you can have anything you desire simply through your focus of attention is just one aspect of the self-realization process. The remaining steps involve looking deeply at those false beliefs, stories, and narratives that have limited your life thus far. You shift realities in every moment; that is the illusion of time or the movement between birth and death. Any belief you have that speaks of lack or limitation is a trigger for emotional clarity. These areas of your life are not wrong, but rather opportunities to gain a better understanding of the truth of who you are. To reject any part of them is to deny the creative aspect of you. To nullify self-doubt requires you to lovingly allow and accept these things as part of the soul’s journey into physical reality. This is a reality of exploration to see how far you can sink into the depths of forgetfulness before you remember that you are already an ascended master. Loving who and where you currently are is key to moving towards a timeline in which what you have intended in this reality becomes a tangible experience in the next now moment. Because each day brings with it new experiences that you have never had before, each day represents a new opportunity for soul growth and expansion to occur. Do not look backwards upon your past with regret, but always forward with optimism for what lies ahead. What happened yesterday no longer holds any weight in this now moment. You are here to create your own version of Heaven on Earth. What others do is not your concern. While you can have compassion for those around you, you cannot change another's path. The best and highest work you can do as a human being is to feel your true worthiness which makes it far easier to do what brings you joy. Whenever you lower your vibration to match another with empathy, you close the door to your own well-being and self-worth. You can live as a fully realized human being amidst the contrasting frequencies of others when you ground yourself in your own worthiness. To love yourself fully and completely is to be present in the moment accepting and allowing all things to be just as they are without needing anything to change. You are the one who must change your perspective of reality to become a self-realized master walking in physical form. It is not about being better, but rather being aware of the greatness that already exists within you. You are simply polishing the mirror to see a more expanded version of yourself looking back at you with adoration and unconditional love for all that you are. Nothing is broken in your world. It need only be looked at with loving allowance and acceptance. While challenges are built-in to the human condition, you brought with you your inherent Divinity to remind you of what you are truly capable of feeling as a human being. As you move into the next level of your ascension, community will become the common unity that overrides the narrative of separation prevalent upon your planet for millennia. The new way of being in your world involves collaborating with instead of competing against your human family. You will become aware of the utter futility in swimming against the current. At your core you are a loving species whose resiliency and adaptability is unparalleled. Because your physicality is imbued with the Divine, you are intuitively drawn to that which enhances and uplifts while being repelled by those things that destroy and diminish. Whatever distracts you from the present moment moves you further and further away from realizing what it is your soul has come here to experience. Joy is the first step in remembering the truth of who you are. It allows you to more easily love yourself and others. It places you squarely in the present moment which helps to reinforce the belief in your innate worthiness as a human being. All too often the challenges of physical reality get in the way of your remembrance of your true purpose in physical form which is always and only to love and accept yourself fully and completely just as you are. You are all capable of having what you truly desire in life. But you must first realize your greatness, for that is the truth of who and what you inherently are. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Rev., Dr. Arthur Keenan, DC ~ Spiritual Teacher ~ (626)437-8723
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....
"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."
Sunday, February 2, 2025
The True Art Of Manifestation
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
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