Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Sabotage Of Deliberate Creation

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

The situations and circumstances of your life are simply patterns of energy. When you begin to see these events as frequency, the easier it will be for you to change them to what you prefer to experience. As you learn to quiet the mind during difficult times, you open the heart to receiving the guidance that is always being channeled to you and through you. While opposition is an integral part of the reality you have chosen to participate in, trusting in the natural process of expansion is the key to relieving the resistance generated from an over-active mind steeped in fear and judgment. You are all working together assisting each other in some way whether you are aware of it or not. The more you can be in wonderment of this, the faster you will move beyond the suffering of separation and into the interconnectedness of unity consciousness. Life is akin to walking which is the act of falling forward continually being interrupted by the next step. Although you may not know what awaits you in the next moment, you can rest assured knowing that whatever it is will be for the highest good of all. When you know who you are and what you came here to do, you move through the challenges of life in peace, love, and joy. You are an aspect of God Consciousness spreading love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, allowance, and forgiveness to all. Your Divinity is never in question, for it is the foundation upon which you build your life one experience at a time. In the end, you will look back upon your journey and see the majesty of it all. No life is ever worthless or insignificant, for every incarnation is perfectly planned and executed to bring about the greatest soul growth and expansion. This particular lifetime you have chosen to transmute many frequencies of lower vibrational energy into the higher dimensions of love and light. This is very powerful work you are doing here not only for the benefit of your own soul growth, but for the expansion of all of creation as well. You as a human being are a living testament to the Divine forces working through you at all times. You have brought the blueprint for mastering frequency and energy with you. You need only remember that it is already encoded within your DNA. Your knowingness of this is what makes it so. In fact, knowingness is what speeds up the manifestation process. Manifestation equals knowingness minus self-doubt. The resistance generated from self-doubt is the bane of physical existence and the sabotage of deliberate creation. As you learn to work with the energetic patterns of your life in more positive and uplifting ways, your experience of life will blossom before your eyes, and you will begin to dissolve the illusory veil you have created between you and All That Is. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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