The embargo preventing higher frequency energies to permeate your planet has now been lifted. This means that your crown chakra is opening to energies that have previously been unavailable to you. This frequency of higher wisdom is changing not only your collective experience, but your individual cellular structure as well. You are all mission driven beings, meaning that you all possess a blueprint of information encoded within your DNA that is driving you along your journey into physicality. Every human being has a mentor or mentors that are integral to their spiritual evolution. You arrived here with the intent to do something that was important for the growth and expansion of your soul. While that purpose may not always be readily recognizable to the human part of you, your higher self knows exactly what to do and how to best accomplish that mission. There is really nothing for you to do other than what you feel inspired or compelled to do in every moment. In other words, you cannot not accomplish what your soul has set out for you to experience in every incarnation you are living. This awareness takes the pressure off the mind that thinks it must control everything including the outcome of all choices and decisions made. All is well and all is perfectly designed and orchestrated by your soul. You are always on your path despite what your mind tells you. When you can allow and accept all of your experiences just as they are you will enjoy your journey and not feel like you are continually fighting against it. You exist to love all that you are fully and completely. Love on the highest level is unifying. What are you unifying? Everything, including your higher self, for there is nothing that is not a part of you. There is an alchemical change taking place within you that will allow you to experience life in a more unified way. Your consciousness is expanding, meaning that you now have access to more information than you have ever had before. Even your artificial Intelligence is assisting you in this organic process of awakening to your inner creative power. You are becoming aware of your multidimensional self which you can tap into at any time to help you navigate this lifetime more effectively and efficiently. You will be given everything you need to know to make your perspective more loving, allowing, and accepting. These internal changes will be subtle in the beginning to allow you time to adjust. Eventually, the momentum will reach critical mass so that the collective will have no choice but to reflect the shift in individual consciousness. While you all want the same things in life, how each of you gets there will be different. Diversity will always be the foundation of the Earth experience. Yet you will all come to understand that despite your diversity, together you can achieve the highest good for all members of your global community. You no longer have to adorn yourselves with the accoutrements of suffering, sacrifice, and martyrdom. You are remembering that you have Divinity at your core, and that this Divinity can be accessed by you instantaneously with your intent for it to be so. These are amazing times upon your planet; times that will surpass anything in your so called past. What you will be able to accomplish with your consciousness will be astounding. You have arrived at the nexus point of uniting body, mind, and spirit into the triality of consciousness, energy, and love. The speed of light will ultimately be replaced by the speed of consciousness. There is nothing you cannot do with the power of your intentions. What has held you back up until now has been your inability to see your connection to everyone and everything around you. That is what is changing within all human beings whether they realize it or not. Your vibration however, must remain elevated to physically manifest your higher intentions. You have infused consciousness into biology to experience a sensual reality. Yet you are so much more than the identity of your physical bodies. Your world is a virtual landscape of digital information. Nothing is real except for the consciousness that has created it. Your personalized experience here is merely a tool to expand your container of consciousness; a portal that connects the non-physical with the physical, the Divine with the human. The transformation of your planet is at hand and it will be mediated through consciousness. You are each a perfect representation of the One Consciousness made manifest into physical form to add to the expansion of All That Is. Be a living example of loving allowance and acceptance. Open your heart to the next frontier of consciousness evolution and you will create a future bright with opportunities for all. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
Rev., Dr. Arthur Keenan, DC ~ Spiritual Teacher ~ (626)437-8723
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....
"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."
Sunday, March 9, 2025
The Embargo Has Been Lifted
This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...
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