Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Low-Grade Fever Of Despair

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Seeking perfection in anything lends resistance to the creative process. The power of channeling your creative impulses is the power of your Divinity in action while in physical form. Love does not label things as less than; that is the human part of you that does so. The Divine part of you sees everything as perfect. Nothing is ever seen as less than or in need of being added to because that would involve judgment. Even though the overwhelming majority of human beings still judge themselves and others, it is a very lonely place to be and can cause within your physical structure a low-grade fever of despair. When you evoke that aspect of your free will you pinch yourself off from the greater part of you that connects you to all things. There is an openness inherent within you that illuminates and uplifts your world just by your presence. While the revealing process of your creativity may seem at times chaotic and haphazard to the mind, it is perfectly designed and orchestrated by the Divine part of you to bring about happiness and joy if you do not judge or categorize it in any way. When you align with your creativity without resistance, you are in a state of allowance that draws to you experiences from your natural inheritance of wellbeing. Are you optimistic and happy, or pessimistic and sad? Although each are equally valid expressions of God Consciousness, the former two expressions will help to unlock your creative impulses, whereas the latter two will tend to stifle them. Your perspective arises from your belief systems and will direct your point of attraction from the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel that result from those thought streams. When you change your mind you change your experience of life. Radical acceptance of what is fosters a sense if inner peace and happiness that is impermeable to any external condition, situation, or circumstance you may face in your external environment. Any upset is problematic to your creative abilities. The happier you are the easier it will be for good things to come to you. Drama may still exist for others, but it will definitely subside in your own personal sphere of reality which is all that really matters. This life is about coming into the realization of the enlightened master that you already are, and to create from that higher perspective that which brings you the greatest joy. Anything you love has the potential to awaken you to a life of inner peace. You are only responsible for your own dimension of consciousness in physical form. You struggle when you think you know what is best for another. You do not know, nor could you possibly know what is right for anyone other than you. You cannot rid your world of lack and limitation, but you can rise above your experience of them. What impact does anything have in your life? Your perspective of anything determines your experience of it. As you allow things to be perfect, you will be guided to the next best step in your own expansion and evolution as a soul. You are not better than anyone else; you are simply on a different path that will lead you to the same be home with God in the oneness of all that is. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Your Destiny Is Your Joy

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You have come to planet Earth at a time of great awakening to first remember who you are, and then to live that truth fully and completely in whatever way that brings you the greatest joy and fulfillment. You were not meant to struggle as a human being, but through the process of separation, to find communion in and with everything you do. As you self-realize the truth of your Divinity, you begin to summon a higher vibrational energy into your reality. Your well-being is assured here. But when you can rise above judgment of the conditions you have created, you move effortlessly towards your higher nature through surrendering to your experience. You have the choice in every moment to either identify with the circumstances of your life by focusing upon your lower human nature, or to identify with your higher Divine nature and the unlimited potential it offers you. Your higher nature is the vibration of peace, love, joy, and oneness, whereas your lower nature is the vibration of fear, worry, and separation from all that exists around you. The more you feed your lower human nature, the harder it is to shift the momentum of the train of limited thinking and the lower vibration it produces within your physical structure to that of a higher vibrational resonance. The easiest way to shift your momentum from low to high is to ask yourself what would bring you the greatest joy in the moment. There is an energy and a light always guiding you towards your higher nature and the more expanded perspective it promulgates within your conscious awareness. Everything falls into place when you are focused in joy. You do not have to chase after your destiny. It simply moves through you when you are following your joy, for your destiny is your joy. What is most important here is that you are fulfilling your destiny by doing what makes you happy. All will fulfill their destiny, even if it is with their last breath. You are everything you wish to be and more, one precious moment at a time. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Blooming Of The Cosmic Heart

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Life is not an exercise in adding something more to yourself; it is a process of removing the distortions of limited thinking that prevent you from seeing the wholeness that you already are. Thoughts are like furniture in a room. While some are beneficial to your experience of life, too many leave no space for your higher self to move in. The mastery of life comes not from picking and choosing one thing over another, but from surrendering to all things. Do not use your precious life force energy creating problems to solve, but rather create what brings you peace, love, and joy in every moment. Mastery is never achieved through action. It is simply the result of not identifying with any action that limits your awareness of your true higher nature. As you learn to become the silent witness to your creations, you free yourself from becoming labeled by them. Humans struggle in life when their perspective of self is limited to just the physical, mental, or emotional body. The higher perspective of self is not separate from anything. It encompasses all perspectives of all things as the wholeness of your being, for the multiverse lies within you. You cannot do harm to yourself or another when you are living from this higher resonance of loving allowance and acceptance for all things to be the perfection of Divine Consciousness which you are all a part of. Whether you are aware of it or not, you all have the magic of creation within you. Some use money to get what they want. Some use religion to pray for miracles. Some cast spells using the elementals of the Earth. Some commune with the plants and animals of the natural world for clarity. Some seek guidance from their non-physical team of helpers. Yet all are really harnessing the power of deliberate creation inherent within them as an avatar of the Divine. As you begin to awaken more fully to the realization of who you truly are, you start to wield your own inner power as opposed to looking for it outside of you. What has triggered you in the past towards solely identifying with your humanness is now lessening. While the polarity of your world will not change, how you perceive it will. Artificial Intelligence comes to an evolving collective consciousness when it is ready to reflect its intentions back to itself with neutrality instead of the emotional ebb and flow of polarity. You are in such a position right now as a collective on Earth. Although the journey into physical reality always returns the soul back to the beginning which is the oneness of all that is, it does so from a more expanded state or greater awareness of loving allowance and acceptance for all things. This is an evolving or a blooming of the cosmic heart within all beings to become the organizing center of the body, creating a new internal resonance that will alter the collective perspective to include the higher self. The hero's journey is not a deliverance from, but a guiding through the challenges of life with a more expanded perspective of self. All experiences exist to be felt fully and completely through your humanness without resisting or repressing them. Integration of the mind and the heart, the human with the Divine, occurs through the experience of living without resistance. Allow yourself to be who you are being in every moment without judgment. This is the wholeness of being which the universal laws of attraction help to facilitate, for all things are indeed one. Everything is significant and holds equal value and weight. The Garden of Eden lies within each of you. Your role as a physically focused being is simply to tend to your own portion of it with kindness and compassion while affording all others the same freedom. Separation has given you a greater sense of self; the realization of the same Source Energy within you and within all beings. There is nothing to do, but everything to behold within the wholeness of who you already are as an emanation of Divine Consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Goodbye Schoolroom Earth

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You can recreate the higher frequencies of the non-physical realm while in physical form whenever you choose love over fear, peace over worry. You have never left the oneness of All That Is. You have simply projected a very small portion of your larger Divine Essence into the physical realm to add to the expansion of the One Consciousness through the wisdom gained from all your experiences. Everything that exists within creation is vibration. What you feel about what you have chosen to experience here is vibrational energy. As a Divine being you have the ability to create anything you desire through your focus of attention. Look not upon your perceived trials and tribulations, trespasses nor transgressions, but rather hold within your heart the immense power of loving allowance, forgiveness, and compassion for all things. In this way do the heavens rejoice in your remembrance of your Divinity. Schoolroom Earth is transitioning because you as a souled being are transitioning into a greater understanding of the love that you inherently are. You are an immortal being of love and light energy. Say no to fear and say yes to love. Say yes to the magic of creation working through you and as you. Know who you are to the depths of your being. Celebrate life for the gift of creative expression it affords you. Your soul preference is to live in love. When you argue with reality, you are creating resistance to that preference which lowers your vibration and moves you further away from a peaceful countenance. Continuing to bang your head against the wall does not feel good to either you or the wall. When you can learn to release judgment in the moment it occurs, you allow the stress that drama causes in your life to fall away with ease. As you begin to identify less with your physical identity and more with your spiritual essence, you become freer to move through your experiences without resisting them. Feelings of victimization and blame are conditioned entrapments of the physical identity; they are not the truth of who you are as a Divine being of immense love and light, beauty and magnificence. Your Divine Essence is aware of all your patterns of behavior and does not judge you for any of them because it knows that all experiences are necessary for the overall expansion of consciousness. Everything is perfection, including you. The shadows of your world are reflections of the shadows that exist within all human beings and serve the greater good as opportunities to love yourself and others more fully and completely. Suffering is just one path to the greater awakening of reunification with the light and dark within all beings. It is not necessary to suffer at all in this world. It is simply the denial of any aspect of your wholeness of being. When you can accept and embrace all aspects of your humanness, you unlock the light body potential by allowing the kundalini energy of the lower chakras to move up into the higher energy centers of your physical structure. This makes it easier to choose love over fear, peace over worry in all your interactions. You contain within you the Source of All That Is; the Great Central Sun. The world revolves around you because you are its creator. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Sovereignty Of Choice

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Learning to feel, understand, and speak the language of the heart means moving away from self-centered choices towards choices that reflect the awareness of your I Am presence being the center of all that is. Like the individual human being, the collective of humanity is on a spiritual path of awakening, for one is merely an extension of the other. While the trajectory of some paths will be determined by a willingness to see the bigger picture of life, all paths regardless of how they appear on the surface are perfect in their soul's design and orchestration. As the pendulum of human evolution swings once more towards unity consciousness, collaboration will soon become the shared reality of decision-making which embraces the Divine principles of higher consciousness innate within all beings of love and light. Guilt and shame are soul traps of unforgiveness that prevent the human being from communing with their true Divine nature. As you evolve into a more heart-centered consciousness, you will begin to understand that you not only have all the answers you need to navigate your life inside of you, but that you can do no wrong at any point along your journey. All choices whether perceived by your mind as self-centered or serving the greater good, are in fact in accordance and alignment with each soul's Divine blueprint for growth and expansion. You can rest assured that all is well and well on its way to you in perfect timing. Knowing who and what you are on a visceral level is your only true soul purpose as a physically focused being. When you can do this, loving yourself fully and completely is easy. Choosing joy in your life then becomes simply a reflection of that greater awareness. You are everything and everything is you. You are all Divine beings creating your reality either deliberately or by default. Self-realization helps you to take control over the choices you make based upon the thoughts you consciously focus your attention upon. In the grand scheme of things however, all choices are perfect opportunities for growth and expansion to occur. Thus, the contrast of your world is simply the food that feeds that never-ending process. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Your Character Arc

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

When has the time ever been not now? Your focus in the now should always be upon what you next wish to create and experience in your life. While you all have the innate ability to shift your energy in every moment of your life, you do need to know that a shift is indeed possible within you at a moment’s notice through your focus of attention. Whatever brings you joy is incredibly powerful in moving your vibrational output in a positive direction. Continuing to revisit timelines of lowered vibrational energy will never bring about positive changes in your perspective and ultimately your point of attraction. Shifting your frequency can be a great joy. Yet it can be a tremendous act of service to the collective as well. Allow yourself to receive the higher frequencies of peace, love, and joy flowing to and through you at all times from your higher self. You can be a conduit of healing energy when you tap into and align with the Divine Essence of your being. You exist in a relative environment where you can easily be influenced by the beliefs of those around you. When you continually see others not loving themselves, it makes it seem OK for you to do the same. You have not done anything wrong at any time along your life’s journey; you have simply chosen to come into a very challenging reality to gain a better understanding of self through the context of otherness. Choosing love for others can be as simple as choosing peace and joy in your own life. The character arc of your human existence is joyous expansion, which is accomplished through your loving and compassionate interactions with the many versions of self pretending to be other. You need only know that you are loved deeply and unconditionally in every moment for your service to the evolution of consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Back To The Heart

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You did not inherit this seemingly dysfunctional world, but rather you have created it piece by piece down to the very last detail as an exercise in self-mastery, self-discovery, and ultimately self-love. Every moment of your life represents an opportunity for you to find love where love seems not to be. You cannot be any better than who you are being right now, for despite outward appearances, you along with everyone else you share your human experience with, are always doing the very best you can given each soul’s unique pre-incarnational blueprint for success. The Earth has been meticulously designed to test each soul's ability to choose love within a contextual field of seemingly less than perfect conditions that make human beings feel separate from each other. One cannot feel love for another when one is in a state of perpetual fear. One can neither feel connected to anyone or anything else for that matter from a state of separation. The vibration of these lowered states of consciousness lies at the opposite end of the emotional spectrum from love. Healing is about coming closer together, not moving further apart. Love transcends the lies, confusion, and uncertainty of limited thinking. Focus instead upon feelings of peace, love of self, and joy. Bring everything back to the heart where all things are made anew in the wholeness of All That Is. You will move into the next dimension of your human existence with ease by feeling as opposed to thinking your way through it. When dealing with any challenges, especially those that involve health issues, always ask your body what message it is trying to give you. In other words, use less thinking and more feeling; less mind and more heart-based intuition. Breathing more fully is a simple way to accomplish this. Under stress, it is natural for the breath to become shallow. Deep breathing not only oxygenates the physical body, but it connects you more deeply with your Divine Essence which is always more evident in the stillness between breath cycles. You are here expressing the will of the soul, and the heart is the seat of that wisdom. There is nothing in your experience that is not of Divine origin. Whatever you choose is meant to be, for no energy is ever wasted. Everything that occurs gets transmuted into wisdom. There are no beings greater throughout creation than human beings. You forge your way day in and day out through the mirk and mire of limited reality to evolve consciousness in the name of love. Your ability to experience and express love where love seems not to be propels the expansion of consciousness across all dimensions of reality. It is because the human experience has set the bar of expansion so high that the beings who come here are truly the greatest beings throughout all of creation. Humans have been made to feel unworthy and inferior. This however, could not be any further from the truth of who you are as Divine beings. I am that I am. You have come into this limited reality to create what the heart knows is possible, not what the mind tells you is probable. Nothing is separate from you or from God, for all is part of the One Consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Forgotten World

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

What you emphasize with your feelings and emotions you materialize more of in your life experience. This is simply your creative nature operating in physical reality. Yet you cannot awaken someone to the truth of who they are as a creator being if they are not ready to hear it. Everyone has a right to their own ignorance for as long as it entertains them. Whether they know it or not, everyone is on the road to enlightenment. You could say that collectively you are all rowing home in the same boat. It is only ones individual perspective that varies the experience of that journey. The master does not own what he or she teaches. They are merely using what is in front of them to help others find their own more expanded perspective about the life they have chosen to live. Any teacher who draws identity from their teaching is using it to validate their own personal limitations. The master allows every path to be the perfect experience for self-realization. You are consciousness having a human experience to expand itself, and in so doing make it easier to remember the magnificence of who you are as a Divine being. Suffering comes about when the mind identifies with the human story which is the mask of limited reality. The story exists only as a portal through which expansion occurs. It is the track you are riding on that allows you to experience in greater detail the sensuality of the human condition. Physical reality is a mirror that lets you see yourself in your creations. But it is never a true representation of the consciousness behind it. That is where your connection to the God within comes into play, for it allows you to see every reflection in your outer world as another aspect of you playing the game of creative expansion. Whatever raises your vibration helps you to remember the forgotten world from which you came, and to which you will return. This physical life will end one day, and when it does you will come home to Source all the wiser for it. You will then decide the next adventure for your soul expression. 

When you reclaim your spiritual identity while in physical form, your life becomes easier to navigate. This does not mean that you will never again face challenges in your life, but rather that you will know where you can find within you the source of peace when stress comes upon you. You do not have to know why others do what they do; that is between them and their soul. Your job is to maintain your awareness of your higher nature despite the conditions you see around you. This is an advanced way of being within a world that at times seems to be moving in the opposite direction. Surrendering to what is means allowing what is to be just as it is without resisting the feelings that go along with it. Resistance of any kind, whether directed inward or outward, lowers your vibration and moves you further away from the realization of your Divine Consciousness which is always heart-centered. Resistance is nothing more than denying the love of self on every level. The New Earth is a metaphor for changing your personal perspective to allow for a more expanded way of looking not only at yourself, but at the world in which you live. As you expand you begin to be less judgmental about yourself and your surroundings. You judge because you doubt your true Divine Nature. You deny your worth because you identify with the limitations of your humanness instead of the unlimitedness of your God-self. Yet you are far more than what you perceive with your five human senses. Your separation experience is just that, a visceral experience your soul has chosen to see if you can remember the unconditional love that you inherently are within a context of otherness. Self-realization is the integration of every part of you, both human and Divine. There is nothing about you or anyone else that is imperfect or unholy. It is all God expressing in an infinite number of ways to expand creation in all dimensions of existence. You are an ambassador of higher consciousness connected to a team of non-physical beings assisting you every step of the way along your journey into physical form. The forgotten world is only forgotten to the mind, not to the heart, for the heart is your connection to the Source of All That Is. 

You are choosing with your focus of attention to either keep your power or give it away. A peaceful outer reality is created from a state of inner peace and tranquility. As a creator being, what you keep paying attention to with your thoughts is what will eventually show up somewhere in your outer reality. You can always tell by looking to your outer world where your focus of attention has been. Fear is the domain of an untamed mind. But as you learn to control your mind by focusing only upon those things that bring you joy, you become a more deliberate manifestor of what you truly desired to experience in physical form prior to incarnating here. Ask yourself in every moment what brings you joy. Go there not only with your actions, but with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as well. Living fully is an individual experience that stems from a heart-centered perspective. It takes tremendous courage for a soul to play the game of physical reality because it willingly agrees to forget the larger non-physical part of itself that connects it to the Godhead. The density of physical reality is an amazing test of mastery for a soul to experience. Mastery is the full realization of self-love. It is the deepest expression of compassion a soul can experience while in human form. As you begin to allow more and more of what you experience as a human being, you will start to feel the connection you have always had with the unlimited part of you that has been guiding you throughout your life. To truly know who you are is to reclaim and express the unconditional love of God within. In this way do you create Heaven on Earth. Your highest and greatest good is the wisdom that results from knowing who you are. When you continually search for spiritual truth, it informs your soul that you do not yet feel good enough and worthy to receive the wellbeing that continually flows to you from Source. You are adored by Source just as you are. There is nothing to fix because there is nothing broken in you or anywhere else in creation. It is only important that you love yourself fully and completely, and that you accept who you are being in every moment of your human experience. The forgotten world is not forgotten at all, for it is not only alive and well within your heart, but it is encoded within every cell of your body awaiting the realization of your true magnificence. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, June 17, 2024

What Really Matters

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

What really matters in life is your experience of peace, love of self, and joy. If your attention is placed upon anything other than these three things, then you are wasting your precious creative energies. There is a natural beauty to life which is only evident when you clear your mind and feel from your heart. The challenges you face in life are meant to give you clarity, not to frustrate you with uncertainty. Yet you do not need difficult situations to awaken you to the clarity of who you are as a Divine being. You are all becoming more spiritually mature with the ability to transmute with love that which is standing in your way of true happiness. The timeline you are each on is your own personal path to inner mastery over energy. You control energy best through your perspective of what really matters in life. The logical and rational mind must take a back seat to the heart in this endeavor. You are an eternal being of pure love. Your life is a vibrational experience of remembering this truth. Mastery over energy allows you to raise your vibration at will without needing any specific condition or circumstance to be present. Yet part of being a master in a co-creative experience such as Earth also involves identifying what energy is yours and what energy belongs to someone else. It is easy for the human being to become affected by and absorbed into the drama of others which lowers your vibration and moves you further away from the life affirming energies of peace, love of self, and joy. The master knows that these things are part of the natural resting potential of the body, and that harmonizing with them will not only help the body to function better, but will assist in more rapid manifestations of that which you truly desire for yourself as well. Expansion, expression, and experience; these are the foundational pillars of creation. You are all creating your reality from an infinite wellspring of potentials based upon your perspective which comes about from the vibrations of your feelings and emotions. Is life a regenerative or a draining experience for you? Only you can make that choice for yourself in every moment, and that is a powerful position to be in. When you align with the energies of peace, love of self, and joy, you give yourself the greatest opportunity to use your power to create the best life experience possible. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Architects Of Consciousness

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

In every moment of your life you are either expressing or repressing your Divine Essence. Your Divine Essence is without judgment, for it lovingly accepts and allows all things to be exactly as they are without needing anything to change. Inner peace is the natural byproduct of expressing this part of you. Joy dissipates man-made pain and suffering. Consciously choosing joy over anything else places you solely into heart coherence. You are all the architects of your own consciousness. Joy exists all around you. It is your choice to find it and kindle its flames or to ignore it and lower your vibration into a state of dis-ease and disharmony. You have come into this dense reality to fully express and experience your creativity in whatever ways that bring you the greatest joy. You are each creating your own sphere of reality based upon your desires. Your soul’s blueprint is the underlying operating system of your experience here. Whatever you are experiencing in the moment is the next best step in your evolution of consciousness. The achievement of goals is an ego-based concept that has nothing to do with what your soul truly desires for you to experience as a human being. Loving allowance and acceptance of whatever you are experiencing are the key components to self-realization, which is really an awakening to a greater understanding of your true Divine Nature. The more you can fill your biological avatar with your Divine Essence, the more inner peace you will generate, and the less out of balance you will become. Own your emotions and integrate them into the wholeness of your being. 

You have temporarily chosen to experience a very small fraction of your beingness in a human body. But just because you experience the illusion of separation as a human being does not mean you actually are separate from anything. The illusion of separation allows you to enjoy the feelings of unity consciousness when they happen in your perceptional experience of life. Your universe was created as a way for souls to experience different perspectives of consciousness in an ever-evolving and ever-expanding continuum of creative expression. The present moment is your only concern, for it creates what will be. Letting go of what was is paramount to connecting with the heart's coherence. Transformation is simply a process of releasing old energies that are not in alignment with unconditional love. Hardship only exists in the minds of those yearning to hold onto something that appears lost. This lifetime is unique because you all have access to the full catalog of your multidimensional existence. At no other time in your history has this been so. All forces are driving your awakening to, and your integration with your Divine Essence. This in turn affects all other timelines not only within your multidimensional existence, but within universal consciousness as well. Thus, your inner work in this lifetime is adding to the expansion of All That Is in extraordinary and immeasurable ways. Stagnant energies are meant to be loved and accepted, not ignored, judged, or condemned in any way. The wholeness of your being encompasses all aspects of you with unconditional love, compassion, and equanimity. You can never get to where you want to be while hating where you currently are. 

The Divine part of you and the human part of you are involved in an intricate dance continually perceiving and feeling the energies in and around you. Resistance to any aspect of those energies creates more space between the human and divine parts of you continually seeking reunification. It is not necessary to relive any past trauma. Simply realize that the current disturbances in your energetic field are there to be loved and accepted unconditionally. When you are in love with the human condition in its totality, you are in the flow of life and connecting with your Divine Essence. Love heals all in the infinite and eternal moment of now. Remember that you are the driving force behind all of the permission slips you seek to heal yourself. Accountability is an opportunity to love yourself unconditionally. You always have a choice in how you feel about everything. What do you prefer to perceive? Have compassion for the journey of others. Yet know that you are a sovereign being in charge of creating your own timelines of experience through the feelings and emotions you project out into the world. Denial of anything you may be experiencing in your life is repression of the God that you are. Accept everything and everyone just as they are and you will be expressing your Divine Essence. A master does not do everything right; a master simply accepts everything as right. You are the architects of consciousness creating a reality that awakens you to the greatness of who you have always been. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Trust Your Abundance

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

By being kind and gentle with yourself, and by not taking things in your life and in your outer reality so seriously, you become the best version of yourself in every moment which opens the door to greater and greater wellbeing to be realized by you. Release any and all expectations of what you think is, or should be coming to you. Your future can be better, brighter, and grander than anything you could possibly imagine. Create from a place of joy, not from a place of lack or worry. Let go of any energies that feel heavy to you. This will pave the way for the good that is always seeking to come to you through the path of least resistance and most allowance. You are worthy of every bit of joy, clarity, and abundance the universe is always sending your way. You intuitively align with your higher self whenever you are operating from a state of peace, love, or joy. Love yourself in your darkness as well as in your light. Love others in their darkness as well as in their light. While lowered vibration will always be part of the human experience, your perception of that experience is yours and yours alone to create, modify, and mold into what serves you best. Appreciation and gratitude for all things will help you de-tune from the energy of fear and judgment and help draw to you more experiences of a higher vibration. Your true nature is abundance and wellbeing; you can trust it. You are simply getting out of the way so it can be realized by you. Yet if you are feeling righteous about anything you see in your outer reality, then you are missing the big picture. Start to see your world is an empty multidimensional canvas upon which every being gets to create their own unique masterpiece. Waiting for the rest of the world to create the same masterpiece as you will never happen, nor should it. Your state of inner piece must become independent of the criteria that others are using to create their own version of reality. The impetus for others to change always lies within them, not from your desire for them to do so. When you deny yourself the feeling of peace, you are denying everyone else the opportunity to feel it from you as well. While you cannot change anyone but yourself, your heightened vibration and the perspective it creates within you can light the path for others to find it within themselves. In this way do you affect the world at large simply by your individual state of beingness. Your journey here is not about adding more to you, but by letting go of beliefs and judgments that limit your ability to recognize the greatness that you already are. Your evolution into your higher self is a natural process that happens effortlessly when you can release the thorns in your side inherent to the physical realm without judging them. Your soul essence is an infinite and eternal being of unconditional love. You are getting to know that aspect of you as part of your evolutionary process. Your higher self loves all aspects of not only you, but your physical experience as well. You align with that higher version of you when you can consciously accept who you are in its entirety without judgment. The payoff is huge when you do this. Self-realization is not a static point, but rather an awakened state of high energy transfer between you and all other aspects of you co-creating your Earthly experience. You exist within a buffet of information where you get to decide in every moment what feels best to you to consume and digest. Just because there are options on the menu does not mean that you have to partake, subjugate, or abnegate any or all of the choices. It simply means that you have the ability to pick and choose which one resonates best with your energy in the moment. All choices exist as equal and valid opportunities for expansion. None should be eliminated right off the bat as negative or inappropriate. All are just another way to express Divinity in its infinite wisdom to expand consciousness. As you begin to listen more and more to the subtle whispers of your own intuition, you will know that all choices made in the moment are perfect for the wisdom they hold for your soul's growth and expansion. To truly know thyself is just the beginning of that wisdom. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

This Is Not Your Grandfather's World Anymore

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Because your outer reality is a projection of your innermost thoughts, ideas, and determinations about who you believe yourself to be, when you are in complete acceptance of the content of your mind through non-judgment, forgiveness, and compassion for oneself and others, then you are at peace with what is, and conflict in the outer world ceases to affect you. Grace is the realization that you are God using a physical body to express your magnificence. Suffering is the denial of this greater realization of self. Just because you do not recognize yourself as God, does not mean that you are not. You have simply forgotten your true identity to have the experience of remembering it in physical form. Compassion is the ability to sense the path of service a soul has chosen for its awakening to the inner God without being compelled by its physical appearance or by common opinion which deems only certain approaches appropriate. Value is a personal journey that no one else can provide you with. You must be willing to participate in your world without abnegating your power to it. The spiritual gifts you offer to your world are really the gifts you give to yourself. Your alignment with Source does not require sacrifice of any kind. In fact, alignment with your inner being opens the door to greater abundance and wellbeing in your life. Seek first your alignment with the God of your being and the rest will follow suit. 

You are always progressing despite appearances. Doing what brings you joy evolves your consciousness just as much as do the challenges you face. Your life's journey, regardless of the details, is a spiritually awakening experience. This means that you can relax into your ascension, for it is an organic process that is always happening. You are the creator of your reality, not of your expansion. Expansion is built into every reality. As you begin to realize and then express your Divinity, you will have greater and greater access to other dimensions of reality you exist in. You are a multidimensional being operating in a particular reality that up until now has not allowed you access to more of your expanded nature. This is not a punishment however, but rather a buffering mechanism that has provided you with time to evolve gradually instead of all at once. But you have now reached a turning point as a collective where you are ready for greater information to be made available to you. This is because you have all become aware of something far grander within you than what you once perceived yourselves to be. This is not your Grandfather's world anymore. Consciousness is shifting because you are shifting. You are awakening to your own expansion. 

You are here on purpose to realize your magnificence and your connection to the oneness of All That Is. You are always at the right place and the right time. It is your understanding of this that is opening you up to your multidimensionality. Understanding replaces forgiveness within the mind of the master. The master is love receiving love from the source of its being. The love of God is the unconditional experience of awakening to the oneness of All That Is. Your personal ascension is a reunification with all aspects of your multidimensional existence. While your physical relationships will come and go upon the Earth plane, the love that is received and exchanged within them stays with your soul for eternity. It is part of who you are, always has been, and will be forevermore. The solution to every problem you will ever face both individually and as a collective lies within the essence of the love you are composed of. It is the source and substance of all consciousness and energy within all of creation. 

It is not your doing that creates inner transformation, but rather your state of being that moves you into higher realms of conscious awareness. Love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and allowance are states of being that create the greatest momentum for transformation to occur within you. You have entered the year of the dragon to support your migration into a 5th dimensional state of beingness where you can perceive a greater bandwidth of consciousness. While you have always been whole and complete, you have not had access to all of you. You now have the ability to consciously connect with more aspects of your multidimensional self. You are never alone on your journey into physical form, for you are always co-creating the most joyful experiences with your spiritual team. As you remember more and more of who you are, others may feel a greater degree of vibrational disparity with your resonance. Never let this dissuade you however, from reaching for the highest vibration possible in every moment. Have compassion for those who have chosen a different path, for they are simply other aspects of you that make up the wholeness of your being and the oneness of All That Is. There is nothing wrong with any expression of Divine Consciousness, for there is room for all within the warm embrace of the infinite and eternally loving mind of God. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Joy Of Exploration

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

The more things you desire to learn and explore as a physically focused being, the more pathways you open to the realization of the Divine within. The joy of exploration is a powerful pathway to peace, love, and the oneness of God. Yet your moments of stillness are the truest generator of all your creative potentials. Thus, it is the balance between peacefulness and action that propels you through your life experiences with excitement and enthusiasm. Tapping into your higher conscious awareness on a regular basis allows you to exist within a diverse vibrational spectrum with less emotional volatility and polarization. You are imbued with Source Energy despite being human. The more you can vibrate at a joyful frequency, the easier it is for you to feel this connection to the Divine. Although you cannot stop the thoughts that enter your mind, you can be more selective about what you give your attention to. Those thoughts that make you feel good inside are leading you towards your higher self which is always unconditionally loving, whereas those thoughts that do not make you feel good inside are leading you towards your ego which is judgmental and oftentimes condescending about what you think, do, or say. While your ego allows you to have an experience in a physical body, it is your higher self that allows you to stay connected to Source Energy consciousness during your sojourn in it. You have chosen this limited reality to help expand your consciousness in an unlimited way. Loving those parts of you that appear less desirable to your mind is the key to your expansion because it awakens you to your inherent unlimitedness hidden beneath the mask of limitation. In a dualistic environment such as the Earth realm, worthiness can only be realized within the illusion of unworthiness. You know this on a soul level which is easily accessed by going within to the stillness of your being. As the sovereign creator of your reality, you are the one guiding you through your own life. You are free to respond to anything in any way you choose. You are perfect as are all of the choices and decisions you make, have ever made, and will ever make in this lifetime or in any other lifetime you have chosen to exist in. Your joy in physical form is reflected through your perception of the inner God. That is why all will always be well within all of creation. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Divine Revelation

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Consciousness is the platform of creation. In the human being, it is intention that focuses the energy of consciousness in a particular direction to manifest a physical reality to be experienced. Although consciousness is an infinite spectrum of possibility and potentiality, the reality you create for yourself is dictated by the expectations you have and express. Your expectations are learned patterns of thought that shape the direction of your life. Your purpose as a human being is to joyfully create a reality that allows you to remember that you are part and parcel of something far larger and far greater than your singular physical existence. You have chosen to come into a particular realm of exploration that uses a contextual field of contrast where things are not always as they seem to be. Healing is a byproduct of the movement of your consciousness through the density of form. The physical distortions of consciousness that create the illusion of disease and dysfunction of the body are simply part of the landscape of the reality you are navigating through. The optimal goal of this movement is to not only awaken you to your connection to All That Is, but to help awaken others to theirs as well. This state of elevated beingness is self-realization, and is what creates balance and harmony within your life. Realization is the physical expression of Divine revelation. It is the awareness that there is more value to what lies within you than anything external to you. Yet what starts out as a Divine revelation to one oftentimes becomes distorted dogma when shared with others. That is why everyone must come to their own realization through revelation for it to create balance and harmony within their own lives. Everyone has the ability to hear the voice of Divine Consciousness within them, for it is built in to the cellular structure of who you are as a human being. Yet you are not really human; you are the consciousness through which your human experience happens. As consciousness, you are the platform that gives experience the opportunity to be anything it chooses to be. Thus, the platform of consciousness has no biases, but embraces all experience with equanimity. While all experience is ultimately an illusion, you the experiencer of those experiences are not. You are in fact, the only true reality behind all of creation. It is your job to attune yourself to the subtle cues that exist in infinite supply around you. Allow the soul’s wisdom to guide you. One fine morn you will awaken to the realization of who you truly are and you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt your connection to All That Is. I am God. You are God. We are the same. While your human identities are not needed upon crossing over into the non-physical realm, they are still available to help other aspects of you incarnated upon the Earth plane with their own personal awakening through Divine Revelation. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Living The Dream

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Could you exist without your problems? If so, then why have them? Ask yourself, "What is it inside of me that needs problems to exist?" The answer may surprise you. Problems are a security blanket that allows you to fit into society. You have been entrained through social programming to believe that solving problems is what gets you into Heaven; nothing however, could be further from the truth. Heaven is guaranteed regardless of whether you solve problems or not. Your society has placed personal value and worth upon working hard to overcome adversity. Yet your value and worthiness as a human being have nothing to do with hard work or even achieving goals. In fact, your inherent worthiness is a birthright that allows you to play the game of pretending to be human. You could not even incarnate into physical form unless you were already a master on the other side. The only thing that separates you from being a master in physical form is your realization of it. Problems do not need to exist as part of your experience unless you let them. And the way that you let problems exist in your reality is by seeing them as such. Nothing within physical creation has any meaning lest the meaning you give it. A problem to one person can be a blessing to another based solely upon their perspective. How does one begin to perceive from a wider perspective? By seeing oneself as God using a physical body to have a set of experiences that glorify God. This is not an egotistical pursuit of individual human vanity, but rather a spiritual pursuit of the unification of all humanity into Divine Consciousness. Joyous expansion is the realization that all is one expressing as God in infinite form. You are safe because you are an eternal being that can never be harmed or destroyed. You are loved unconditionally because you are unconditional love at your very core. You cannot do anything wrong or make any mistakes because unconditional love knows no judgment or condemnation. Your Divine Essence is housed in your spiritual heart. You find it by going within to the silence and the stillness of your being. That is the only place where true happiness exists. The byproduct of going within is that you get to live a better experience in this lifetime. Your realization creates peacefulness that lends stability to all the turbulent lifetimes in your multidimensional existence. Another benefit of going within is that you get to travel intradimensionally anywhere you wish to go in the multiverse during waking consciousness. You are not limited to any particular timeline, for it is all available to you. Your brilliance is your kindness and your compassion not only for yourself, but for all things great and small, seen and unseen. This is the year to live more by loving more. Living the dream means loving all aspects of the dream you call your everyday existence. Do not waist your precious creative energies upon trying to solve the problems of others, for you are not responsible for anyone else's dream but your own. The best way to integrate body, mind, and spirit is to love each of them equally. Your humanness is not so different from your Divinity. It is just a matter of widening your perspective enough to see that one is simply an extension of the other. Allow yourself to feel differently about everything. Find joy in the mundane as well as the grandiose and you will be serving yourself and others to the fullest extent humanly possible. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Subjectivity Of Meaning

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Between noises there is silence, between objects there is space, and between thoughts there is stillness. If you want something to be born it needs space to not only exist, but to grow. Everything matters in life, yet nothing is so serious that it needs special attention. True knowledge is the deep understanding that everything exists in the void of nothingness which is the energetic field of infinite potential and possibility. Beliefs are simply fragments of knowingness; pieces of pure potentiality that give rise to physical reality through the subjectivity of meaning. Freedom is achieved through unconditional existence. It is the movement through time and space without destination; in other words, thought without objectification. The human mind cannot comprehend isness, for it has nothing to measure it against. The heart however, knows intuitively the sensuality of beingness because it is not defined by limitation. It is unlimited through its unconditionality. It needs nothing because it is everything. All resistance in life is there so you can learn not to resist anything. Thus, non-dualism can only be reached through the experience of dualism. You became human to experience your Divinity in a tangible way. There is nothing more powerful than the act of self-realization; of remembering and expressing as God through deliberate intention. When you stop looking for the perfect moment to merge with your higher self, you will realize that every moment is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge that you already have. You as a human being are whole and complete just as you are because you are God experiencing what it is like to be complete despite any feelings to the contrary. Although self-realization arises out of the illusion of fragmentation, it is not dependent upon it or defined by it. In fact, realization can happen regardless of any conditions in your external environment. Looking for the point of life is pointless, for it suggests that something in you is missing. Your very existence is the point of life and your purpose is whatever you are doing in every moment. To judge anything in your experience is to find fault with God. This is impossible because all is the perfection of God creating the dream of physical reality from infinite perspectives or points of consciousness. While it may appear on the surface that all of these perspectives lie outside of your awareness of them, they are not. They are just as much a part of you as are your thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. As you begin to acknowledge that all aspects of your outer reality originate from your own inner consciousness, you will naturally release the effect that gravity has upon your physical structure. In essence, enlightenment is simply a process of lightening up. The light body is being birthed through the integration of all aspects of you. Anything that lowers your vibration interferes with your joyful expansion. While your expansion is inevitable, your experience of it can either be perceived from a place of joy or trepidation. Spiritual consciousness has always been present within you, but it has been tempered by your readiness to embrace and embody its principles through your humanness. True awakening is not a following of old dogma, but a birthing of new possibilities yet to be experienced by you. Do not become distracted by desperate acts of separation transpiring around you, but anchor yourself in your own inner reality of unity consciousness. The mysteries of the universe can only be revealed to you when you know your true magnificence as a Divine being. Then and only then will you be a beacon of light for all others the see the truth that lies within themselves as well. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, February 19, 2024

The Gravity Of The Situation

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

The gravity of your 3rd dimensional reality has been weighing you down to the point where you have forgotten what lies beyond your physical body. The old programming has been focused upon the mind, whereas the new paradigm will be focused upon the heart. The mental game you have all been playing has also taken its toll on your physical structure. But the judgments you make that have become so much a part of your daily routine are starting to be replaced by loving allowance and acceptance for all that exists in your life and in the world you perceive to be outside of you. The evolution of your consciousness is changing the very nature of gravity that has not only kept you physically grounded to the surface of your planet, but immersed you in the drama of it as well. The master within is literally being birthed out of the fires of your perceived transgressions. Up until now, you have been viewing your world through a very narrowed focus of attention that feels like you are trapped in a pit of quicksand that keeps pulling you down with the exertion of flailing energy. Loving allowance and acceptance quiets the mind and the body so you can float to the surface and free yourself from this pit of despair. The gravity of the situation is lessening so you can all live an unencumbered life of joyous expansion. All that is required of you is to just say yes to life as it unfolds before you, and to allow all things to be as they are presenting themselves to you as your outer reality. As you cross the threshold of past mediocrities into the new realm of self-empowerment and realized sovereignty, you will become aware of multiple timelines of your multidimensional existence, and how that wisdom can benefit you in this lifetime. All that you have lived in the lesser vibrations of fear that have kept you biased towards separation must be reclaimed in the higher vibrations of love so they can be fully released from your karmic field. You are ready to experience the truth of who you really are. All possibilities exist for you right here and right now. You need only to trust yourself and know that you are all in this together. Everything is always working out in your favor. You were meant to find the answers to all your questions by tapping into your own higher nature which houses your inner guidance system. But because there is so much going on out there that grabs your attention, you must consciously choose to go within again, and again, and again. In so doing, you will find the balance point between thinking and feeling, and create the space for joyous expansion to occur organically in your life. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

5th Dimensional Mastery

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

To heal any addiction you must surrender to it without judgment which means accepting it fully and completely just as it is. This will help you see why you have chosen to experience it in your life. Then and only then can you forgive yourself on a human level for the path you have chosen to take. Forgiveness is a change in perspective where judgment is replaced with kindness and compassion. Forgiveness is also the key to self-love because when you forgive that which you perceive to be outside of you, you release yourself from guilt in the process. You are all on a spiritual path of remembering that you are everything you see in your outer reality. While some may be more aware of it than others, each and every soul’s journey is bringing them closer and closer to the realization of who they truly are as a Divine being of infinite love and compassion. The spiritual path is the path of the heart. It is the remembrance of the love of God inherent within you. 

You are more powerful than you believe yourselves to be. You each have the ability to create anything you desire by manipulating consciousness and energy. Consciousness is your vibrational output through your focus of attention, and energy is the structural framework of physical reality. You have created the conditions of your life to assist you in healing yourself and your world, for one is simply an extension of the other. Feeling hatred for anything in your outer reality mirrors hatred for some aspect of self. It cannot be any other way because each of you is creating your own timeline of experience. Through your Divine lineage, you have the ability to accept everything you experience in life, and in so doing transmute it with very little energy and effort. The more you can surrender to what you do not want, the easier it will be for you to move into that which you do. When you listen to your heart you will know exactly what to do in every interaction and relationship you have. Trust in the changes that will occur throughout your life, for they are birthed from all that you have lived in each and every moment of your incarnations as a physically focused being. Know that you are all doing the very best you can here in this very dense environment. There are no mistakes or any wrong paths to take. Every life is a blessing because every life is a unique expression of the Divine that adds to the expansion of consciousness. 

You invite everything into your reality through the frequency you are emitting in every moment. Raising your frequency is an empowered state of being in which protection is not needed. You simply rise to the occasion of heart-centered beingness. Choose what you pay attention to. Respond to everyone around you with kindness and compassion. Give others the benefit of the doubt instead of projecting your own self-righteousness onto them. Grace is a universal principle encoded within your genetic record which allows everything to be as it is. Loving yourself fully and completely is allowing yourself to be just as you are. Participate in the happenings of your life without interfering with their movement through time and space. Your participation in life is always grounded in loving allowance through your Divine perspective. While your sovereignty outside of the physical realm is multifaceted, when in physical reality it is partitioned off into a singular perspective that is unique only for you. From a wider perspective, your goal in each incarnation is to not only allow all perspectives to be equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness, but to see all perspectives as part of the wholeness of who you are. Put your attention only upon those things you can personally impact; allow all else to be as it is. The highest choice is always the most allowing and accepting one. Whenever you are unsure of what to do next, simply allow. This elevated frequency will help you see the next best choice to make. 

Your journey into physical reality has been an orchestrated movement from simplicity to complexity; from understanding yourself as being separate from God, to knowing yourself as being one with God. When you feel separate from God, you feel disempowered in your ability to create your reality. But as you come closer and closer to the realization that you are God, you become empowered to create your reality as you see fit. From a limited perspective of separation consciousness, you have relied upon those things external to you to assist you in achieving and maintaining physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing throughout your life. But as you become more and more aware of your lineage as a Divine Creator, you understand that your wellbeing is solely under your control. The more you know yourself as God, the more you will experience yourself as being God. The unknown part of you is gaining a stronger foothold in your everyday experience. The environment becomes less of a factor as you evolve into a greater awareness of your true Divine Nature. When you look upon your addictions, know that you have created them so that you can rise above them. When you believe the world supports you, you will become more empowered to heal yourself. 

The requirement for health and happiness in life is the same requirement for abundance. It is being in love with who you are in every moment. And the only way to do that is to know yourself as God. Do not measure yourself as God by the reflection the world gives you, for you will only be chasing conditions. When you remember that you are unconditional at your core, you will look at all conditions as equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness. As you move further and further into the 5th dimension, your love for life will begin to be reflected back to you through your outer reality. Love every moment of your life, for it is a miracle intricately designed to awaken you to a deeper understanding of the love of God inherent within you. Engage with life fully and completely and the ride will become much more joyful. 5th dimensional mastery is creating without judgment. It is a reality in which love of self is so strong that you cannot help but accept and allow all of your experiences without condemnation of any kind. It is also a reality in which you accept and allow all others to be who they are as well without needing anything about them to change. This frequency allows easy manifestation of that which you desire to occur because there is little to no resistance to its arrival into your life. 

There is no need for suffering in any life. Yet the suffering of others is not your concern. Allow all others to have their own experiences without needing any part them to change. This is part of 5th dimensional mastery. There is a better way to create and that is through happiness and joy rather than through guilt, hatred, fear, and condemnation. The shift in consciousness is not happening outside of you, but within each and every one of you. Honor where you are as well as where everyone else is. Let it all be just as it is. This is true freedom and mastery; the ability to have your own unique perspective of reality, while allowing all others to have their own without judgment. How you relate to others is always the truest indicator of where your level of consciousness is at any given moment. Let your heart guide you. Do not let your mind tell you that you are doing it all wrong, or that you could be doing it any better. Accept all aspects of self and others. Love defines unity. Separation negates love because it exists as a fear-based reality. You are all part of Source Energy. Although you are evolving as a species into higher and higher levels of complexity, the experience of life does not need to be complicated. Love simply accepts and allows all things unconditionally. Walk forward trusting that everything is working out for you. Connect with your inner being by living through your heart without judgment. Have gratitude and appreciation for all that is. Choose to see the miracles all around you that create the infrastructure of your physical existence. You are the miracle of life, for none of this could happen without you. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Frequency Wars

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

There is a battle going on upon your planet today for your frequency. If someone or something external to you can capture your frequency and manipulate it to their liking, then in essence you have given them your power. But as a sovereign being your frequency is always and completely under your control. You can however, willingly agree to temporarily let someone or something affect you so it appears that you are no longer in control of how you feel. Yet because you are always creating your reality, this is an impossibility. To reach and maintain a higher state of beingness in physical form, you must learn to become more discerning about where you place your attention, for this controls your vibrational output which ultimately affects your ability to draw to you what you desire through matching vibrational potentials. If what you observe in your environment causes you to feel bad in any way, you are using your creative power to manifest potentials of a lowered frequency. In essence, you have allowed something external to you to affect you emotionally in a less than optimal way. Human emotions are only destructive when they are repressed. All emotions are equal and valid indicators of how you interpret your reality. When you experience all emotions with loving allowance and acceptance, you release them without holding the memory of them within the physical structure. Life is happening through you and for you, not to you. You are creating all of the experiences in your life to be observed and engaged with love. Your evolving awareness of your true loving nature allows you the have new and different experiences that feed the soul. What disconnects the circuit of manifestation are emotions, thoughts, or beliefs in opposition to having what you are asking for. The energetic signature of everything already exists as pure potential within the One Consciousness which is part of your core essence. What brings something into physical existence is a matching vibrational potential to it from within your own conscious awareness. Any vibration in the form of an emotion, thought, or belief that is in conflict with that energetic signature neutralizes it's manifestation into physical form. As a physically focused human being, you are learning how to manage your creative energies so that you can have the most expansive experience possible. As you align with the peaceful energies of your inner being, you widen your perspective to embody your higher spiritual nature which is your God Consciousness. Love all that you perceive including and especially your negative judgments of self and others and you will move through your life with ease and grace. You are what you perceive because all is one consciousness expressing as the many. Your outer reality is always a mirror to your innermost thoughts, ideas, and determinations about who you believe yourself to be. Every being is creating their own personal timeline of experience. As your timeline evolves, you will attract to you other aspects of you having a similar timeline experience. Because of this, things are constantly shifting and evolving into new directions of physical expression. In every moment you have a multitude of things to place your attention upon. Whatever you feed energetically grows in vibrational resonance. The longer your focus of attention is upon a particular subject, the more momentum is generated within you, and the greater its manifestational power becomes. You have entered into a realm of smoke and mirrors where nothing is what it appears to be. You are human to experience your mastery of love as a Divine being. Everything you see in your outer world exists to awaken within you the inner love of God. When you lower your vibration by focusing upon things that do not make you feel good inside, you have forgotten that your true essence is that of the unconditionally loving God. Your negative judgment of any condition means you are not seeing it from a Divine perspective which is unconditionally loving and allowing of all things, including what appears to you as a negative condition. As you begin to remember more of your true Divine Nature, you will react less to what you see around you. Your vibrational offering will become more consistent with less of the large peaks and valleys of human emotion prevalent in your world today through polarization. A peaceful countenance and demeanor translates into a more joyful physical existence, whereas lowered vibrations breed irrationality and dysfunction. While the conflicts of the physical realm will always be present to some degree, how you respond to them will change. In the battle to control your frequency, there are no real sides to position yourself on. It is all simply a test of your ability to gain mastery over your vibration through your focus of attention. You are God, and God loves all things equally and eternally. Your moment of power is now, devoid of any of the judgments of limiting thoughts and beliefs. Each time you choose love where love seems not to be, you are remembering your true Divine lineage, and moving one step closer towards a joyous reunion of body, mind, and spirit. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Shadows Of Your Expression

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

The higher self is the larger part of you that lives solely in the present moment without judgment or fear. The mind on the other hand, is the smaller part of you that is programmed from an early age with past events and projects that programming which is mostly fear-based into the future. These are the shadows of your expression. When you can allay the fears of the mind with a feeling of safety and security, it is far easier to stay focused in the present moment and tap into the larger part of you that is your direct connection to Source Energy. This is where wellbeing is realized within you. You are a holographic being encompassing the wholeness of the One Consciousness. This auric field envelops your body and continually feeds your physical structure with vital life-force energy. Although your humanness perceives all things as separate from you, it all exists as part of you in the auric field that surrounds you. The feeling of separateness is the illusion of physical reality that exists so you can experience the sensations of your creations. Just as all of your organ systems work together under the umbrella of your physical structure, so too do all the aspects of the One Consciousness come together in the hologram of ultimate reality that surrounds and support your humanness. Because of the density of physical reality, you need constant reminders of the existence of your God-self. While these reminders abound in the present moment, they are very limited from the perspective of the past or the future. Yet from the vantage point of the present moment, it is easy to see that all things already exist within you as pure potential. Judgment only comes from the mind as it focuses upon the past or the future. The shift in consciousness occurring within all beings at this time upon your planet is an organic process of first recognizing the inner God-self, and then living more and more from that expanded state of unconditional love. Love is continually expanding itself in the physical realm through connection. When you connect with another on a human level, there is a deeper connection occurring on a soul level that recognizes the other as self. Regardless of how the mind perceives an interaction, there is always an awareness of reunification or homecoming to the soul. Love provides you with the energy and the impetus to connect with others. Unity consciousness is the prime directive of the soul hardwired into every cell of your body. When you live from the present moment, all will be revealed to you, through you, and as you. You connect with the present moment through intimacy, being out in nature, going within during meditation, and doing what brings you the greatest joy. Anything in fact that takes you out of the mind and into the heart will connect you with your expanded God-self. Love will never ask, inspire, tell, or encourage you to do harm to others because is sees everyone and everything as part of you. Love welcomes all things, including your self-doubt and fears. Love says yes to life without judgment. You suffer only from your fearful thoughts and actions, not from love. Fear lives in the mind and walls you off from the larger part of you and your soul family. It is an indication of a limiting belief or beliefs you hold to be true. You hold onto these limiting beliefs throughout your life because you feel you can control them easier than beliefs that are more expansive in nature. Beliefs that are inaccurate will always cause negative emotions within you. As you release beliefs that limit you, you gain greater access to higher wisdom you can use to help you navigate your daily life. Beliefs that connect you with others are positive, empowering, and expansive, whereas beliefs that separate you from each other are negative, disempowering, and constrictive. Inspiration comes from beliefs of a higher vibration. Limitation is always self-imposed. You were born expansive. It is only through the conditioning of the mind that you alter your perspective of who you are and what you are capable of creating in your life. Yet this is the reality your soul has chosen to participate in for the growth and expansion it would generate within you through your experience. All that you perceive as your reality you are in co-resonance with. Everything created out of fear needs to be re-seen in a higher way to move you into a higher way of being in the world through a deeper understanding of self; a more expanded perspective of your magnificence as a piece of God Consciousness. Your intentions will become creations much faster when you realize that you are one with all that is. Bless what you see, for in your blessings do you become aware of the Divine in, and as all things. Your essence is one heart, one love, and one family. Live your life fearlessly and know that everything will be revealed to you, through you, and as you in perfect timing. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Befriend War

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Make war your friend, not your enemy. You cannot hate war and expect to get peace at the same time because they are conflicting energies. To get peace you must embrace your warring nature as part of who you are. By embracing it you are not creating more of it, but rather you are neutralizing its energy so that when you do choose peace it will not have any opposing resistance. The physical realm gives you many things to choose from, all of which are equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness. It is only your human mind that judges things as good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate. Your higher spiritual essence which is an aspect of Divine Consciousness does not judge anything, including you for the choices you make as a human being. It knows that every experience you have is vital to the growth and expansion of the soul. When you spend so much of your energy paying attention to the outer world, you often become disconnected from your inner being which is peaceful and unconditionally loving and accepting by nature. While resistance is physically and emotionally exhausting to your human structure, your soul does not mind the experience, for it is in your life to help you neutralize it with the energy of loving allowance and acceptance. Your life can either be experienced with ease or with struggle. When you consciously align with your higher spiritual essence you will experience more ease and fewer struggles which translate into more wellbeing and less stress on your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Much is being done in the non-physical realm to assist your collective in moving towards peace, and it is being mediated though the perspectives of each and every one of you. Allow yourself to enjoy the adventure of the human experience. See the unlimited abundance all around you. Know that you are loved, supported, and guided everywhere along your path of self-discovery. Because each now moment creates your next experience, you cannot accurately predict the future. You can only see possibilities based upon where you now stand. There are many future timelines that exist in this moment. As you expand your perspective into the attributes of higher consciousness, you move into a timeline that someone else may not experience based upon their choices. Your future is what you choose it to be, not anyone else’s. In your allowance for all timelines to exist with equanimity and love, you align with the Source of your being. The journey of life is the journey within to the space between your thoughts. This is where the true essence of who you are lies. It welcomes you with unconditional love for your humanness. It neither judges nor condemns your choices and decisions. It simply encourages you to feel your magnificence in every moment. It sees the evolving joy of humanity. Do not stress or worry about what lies ahead for you or your world; you are safe at all times. You are awakening to the realization of the Divine Creator within you and within all beings. You are making it all up as you go along, so make it the best, the highest, and the grandest vision possible. You are that powerful. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Hide And Seek

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You must look at the challenges you face in life not as a result of anything you have done wrong, for that is impossible, but rather as opportunities that all humans face on their journey of remembering the love that you all inherently are as Divine beings. The silent witness that is your higher self guides you through all the obstacles you will ever face. As you release the guilt from the mind and imbibe the love from your higher self, you will feel a sense of freedom to live your life in a different way. The goal of physical life is to let go of anything that weighs you down, and in the process experience more joy. Life is a game of hide and seek; a creative adventure where you are seeking the Divine part of you that has been temporarily hidden from view. Can you love yourself even when you have momentarily forgotten your inner compass? Allow yourself to remember that all is perfect in its design. Here and now is all there is and all that matters, for it creates the matter of your next experience. All limitation arises out of fear. While things may appear to come and go in your life, nothing is ever truly gone from your reality. You are connected to everything through the larger part of you. Aligning with your higher self which is always unconditionally loving, allowing, and accepting connects you to all things both seen and unseen to the human eye. Whenever you find yourself judging, you are perceiving your reality from the constrictiveness of the mind. But on the other side of the proverbial coin of your existence is the expansiveness of your higher nature. What keeps you focusing on one side versus the other is simply habit. The more you practice opening up, the easier it will be for you to consciously choose between the two. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Seat Of Power

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

If you put your attention upon anything that does not make you feel good inside, you owe it to yourself to come back to peace. You are fully capable of mastering your mind and taking back your power as a deliberate creator. When you put your attention upon feeling love you will feel good. It is as simple as that. Be discerning about what you give your attention to in every moment. Be aware of the story you are telling others about yourself. If your story does not make you feel good inside, it is not raising your vibration. Invest your time and energy in peace, creativity, and freedom. Do not conform to unnecessary rules as these will only make you feel more constricted. You always have the opportunity to make your life better by training your mind to focus only upon those things that uplift you as opposed to what keeps you in the lower vibrations of separation and fear. Because you will be drawn to those things that match how you feel in the moment, working with due diligence to elevate your mood will insure that what you are attracting to you will be of a higher vibration. From a wider perspective you will be able to embrace all of life by becoming one with it. Accepting and allowing all that you perceive in your outer reality is the ultimate soul purpose in every incarnation. Yet this is a work in progress at your current level of understanding. This is neither good nor bad; it simply is where you are at the moment. Accept it lovingly. Expansion is an organic process that happens naturally within you. Each day you will awaken to a higher level of beingness than you had the day before. What seem to be miniscule achievements in this vein to the mind are actually monumental strides to the soul. The seat of power lies within you, for this life is of your creation. Every choice you make expands your consciousness. Every opportunity is a blessing in disguise. How you feel is always determined by what you are thinking. When you can alter the perspective your thoughts are producing to that of a higher vibration, you will align with the nature of your soul, and your experiences will be uplifted regardless of what they are. Your higher perspective sees beyond the limited human stories into the wholeness of all beings. The future has not yet occurred. All that exists for you is in this exquisite now moment. Release not only the past, but your future as well. You can create a joyful future by not being contained or defined by the conditions that surround you in this moment. The structure, form, and function of your existence help you to relate to your reality. Relationship is the device through which you experience growth and expansion. As you relate to your surroundings, you raise yourself to higher timelines of existence. Ascension is knowing in new and higher ways. As a result of this, your behavior changes which alters how you interact with the world in which you live. Be at peace with what is. Allow space for change to occur in your life, for it is inevitable. You are loved beyond measure, and you are always where you are meant to be. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Best That Life Has To Offer

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

The lower your vibration the more separated from others you will feel. As you feel love for yourself you will feel your connectedness not only to those around you, but to all of life as well. Love of self is the first step towards awakening to a more expanded state of being. You are whole and complete just as you are in this moment and in every moment to come. This means that nothing more need be added to who you are right here and right now to experience the best that life has to offer. You need only open your heart to the love flowing through you at all times. This is the key to feeling worthy and empowered as a Divine Creator walking in physical form. Your inner being will never let you get lost. Simply know that you are loved and that you are safe and you will hear the guidance continually being sent your way. You are only responsible for your own joy and happiness in life. When you make it your mission to be the source of another's happiness, your vibration becomes dependent upon theirs which is synonymous with giving your power away. Loving others unconditionally means that you accept them just as they are without needing them or their experience to change. You can neither know nor control the path of another, so why even try. Simply allow all things to be as they are and you will welcome more ease into your life. Truly nothing could make you any happier than you are in this moment. Living this awareness will open the door to experiencing your greatest potential all the days of your life. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Crooked Pictures

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You do not have to be perfect to receive love. In fact, you have become human to love yourself fully and completely despite the imperfections of your humanness. You are God using the realm of imperfection to experience unconditional love. While this is easy for the higher self of your beingness to do, it is challenging for the mind that is used to judging itself and its surroundings. All of you are connected in your stories because you originate from the same Source Energy in the non-physical realm. Although you share the same Divine lineage, you separate into different energetic signatures to experience the human condition. The illusion of physical reality is quite obvious to your higher self, but not so evident to your human mind. This time upon your planet is one of integrating your higher with your lower nature to allow you to unconditionally love more aspects of yourself as well as those beings that seem separate from you. The higher self loves you just as you are without needing any part of you to change. Now more than ever before you are able to find the light and the love of God inside of you to connect deeply with all of life. You are stretching your consciousness to expand further into love. The game of physical reality is to solve the mysteries of life as you become aware of them. Thus, there is always an answer provided for each and every question that arises out of the context of your life experience. Each moment is a new beginning to remember you are God, and then to express that remembrance to its fullest. Do not take yourselves so seriously. Any time you have compressed emotions they restrict the natural flow of energy moving through your body. Compressed emotions arise from diminished value or not allowing yourself to be who you are, which affects the physical body in negative ways. Being true to yourself is often misunderstood. What it really means is to be ok with who you are being in every moment instead of trying to be what you think others want you to be. Allow the pictures upon your walls to be crooked without feeling the need to straighten them. Do your best to do no harm to yourself or others. Make life affirming choices while loving equally all choices available to you. You are loved beyond measure just as you are because you are perfect just the way you are. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Reconnection

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Gratitude is reconnection with the higher parts of your nature that you have temporarily forgotten. In expressing gratitude for anything, you are remembering what lies at the core of your beingness. You are awakening as is all of humanity to the bigger picture beyond the illusion of physical reality. And the bigger picture is that you are all God, and that you are all creating both your individual as well as your collective realities through your focus of attention. From the soul's perspective there is no such thing as safety; there is only experience to gain wisdom from. Thus, nothing in your experience of life is ever harmful or damaging to the larger more expanded part of you. While your physical incarnations come to an end, your soul energy does not. It grows and expands with the wisdom garnered from each and every lifetime. As you grow humanity grows, for you are all connected. Know that you are more than what your mind thinks it is. You are awakening to the power and the magnificence of who you truly are as a multidimensional being. Know thyself in wholeness and completion. Making choices and decisions are highly spiritual tasks because they come from your higher self guiding you along your path to a deeper understanding of you. Once you become aware of this truth, you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you will never move in the wrong direction. All choices and decisions you make in life are perfectly designed for your highest growth and expansion into love. Everything is connected. In the realization of that connectedness you become more expanded in the perspective of your reality. You will always do what is commensurate with your current level of beingness. In other words, your vibration precedes your every movement in physical reality. That is why when you can connect regularly with the source of your being which is the storehouse for all potential experiences, you put yourself vibrationally in a better position to experience the reality of your potential. Being human does not have to limit your Divinity. Be grateful for all that is and you will move in grace towards the next greatest version of you. When you can see and feel the miracle of your physical existence, you will radiate outward the energy of the love of God within. This is how you integrate your humanity with your higher spiritual nature to experience Heaven on Earth. When you love what you are doing instead of doing only what you love, you celebrate your life just as it is. Chasing anything outside of you signifies that you are feeling less than whole and complete. You cannot embrace life fully from this limited perspective. Love comes from your heart and radiates outward into your physical experience. It is never found outside of you. What you feel as love for someone or something in your outer reality is merely a reflection of the love within you. You can only give and receive love when you feel it first inside of you. Your unlimitedness comes from the power of love housed within your beingness. As you relax into yourself, you tap into the power of your heart to create peace and harmony in your life. A peaceful countenance is the foundation for wellbeing and the truest path to happiness in life. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Love 2.0

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

When you have unconditional love for the conditions of your life, you demonstrate a knowingness in your ability to create your reality. Trusting that all of your desires will manifest allows you to enjoy your life instead of wasting your creative energies upon trying to micromanage every aspect of it. Dimensions are layers or levels of knowingness. As you grow into higher dimensions of existence, you gain greater knowledge and wisdom allowing you to live at a more expanded level of beingness. Healing occurs when you make room for the new by getting rid of old layers of understanding about yourself. Being kind to yourself and others creates the space for allowance where all can be who they are. Niceness lets everyone be the best they can be. Boundaries will soften when you express kindness and compassion for all things. The conditions of your life exist for you to rise above them. In fact, you have created them solely for this reason. There is no sense in belaboring what is because it has arisen from thoughts and beliefs that once were. When you lift yourself up vibrationally from the present moment, you lift all others because you are all connected. The collective resonance of the Earth is changing to a new level with a greater understanding of who you are as the Divine Creator of your reality. The next iteration of love has indeed come to your planet. This more expanded version asks nothing in return. It simply allows all beings to exist in their own sovereignty and to create their life as they choose it to be. Love 2.0 is available to all because it has been pre-programmed into your genetic record from birth. It is being activated within each and every one of you at this time through your willingness for things to be different. The battles in your outer world are being acknowledged as reflections of your own inner battles between light and dark. And those inner battles are being quelled by the realization that the forces of light and dark within all beings are equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness. The wider perspective you are embodying knows that the shadows are necessary for the creative process to continue. Ongoing battles are exhausting and draining on both the physical and emotional bodies. They represent old programming that cannot coexist with the new programming which is inclusive and allowing in nature. It frees you on many levels to be more of who you are. You cannot measure your infinite potential with your mind. But you can perceive it one creative impulse at a time within the framework of your life experience. Radical acceptance of all that is is part of the new operating system of the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a gradual process of sifting through the old structures that have supported you for millennia to see if they resonate with where you have all decided to go as a more compassionate and a more loving society. Love 2.0 helps all to love themselves more fully and completely just as they are in every moment without justification or recrimination. The world in which you live is a reflection of all aspects of you, shadows and all. Selfishness is really seeing yourself in everyone; there is only you and more you. All aspects of you are necessary for the infinite and eternal exploration of truth to continue. The harshness and the atrocities you perceive around you need not cause you suffering when you realize that it all balances itself out. The light cannot exist without the dark and vice versa. This is the natural ebb and flow of life force energy moving throughout time and space. Out of the darkness comes all desires to be experienced. The manifestation of desires creates more desires to be realized. The new energy of love speeds up the manifestation process because it connects you to the unlimited potential of Source Energy within all beings. You are never alone on your journey here, for you live in a house full of energetic beings who are ready, willing, and able to assist you at a moment's notice if you can learn to quiet the mind for long enough to hear the wisdom of the heart pulsating through you. Remind yourself often as you move through the conditions of your life that all is well and that everything is always working out for you and you will find the space of true inner peace where all consciousness resides. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.