Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Forgotten World

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

What you emphasize with your feelings and emotions you materialize more of in your life experience. This is simply your creative nature operating in physical reality. Yet you cannot awaken someone to the truth of who they are as a creator being if they are not ready to hear it. Everyone has a right to their own ignorance for as long as it entertains them. Whether they know it or not, everyone is on the road to enlightenment. You could say that collectively you are all rowing home in the same boat. It is only ones individual perspective that varies the experience of that journey. The master does not own what he or she teaches. They are merely using what is in front of them to help others find their own more expanded perspective about the life they have chosen to live. Any teacher who draws identity from their teaching is using it to validate their own personal limitations. The master allows every path to be the perfect experience for self-realization. You are consciousness having a human experience to expand itself, and in so doing make it easier to remember the magnificence of who you are as a Divine being. Suffering comes about when the mind identifies with the human story which is the mask of limited reality. The story exists only as a portal through which expansion occurs. It is the track you are riding on that allows you to experience in greater detail the sensuality of the human condition. Physical reality is a mirror that lets you see yourself in your creations. But it is never a true representation of the consciousness behind it. That is where your connection to the God within comes into play, for it allows you to see every reflection in your outer world as another aspect of you playing the game of creative expansion. Whatever raises your vibration helps you to remember the forgotten world from which you came, and to which you will return. This physical life will end one day, and when it does you will come home to Source all the wiser for it. You will then decide the next adventure for your soul expression. 

When you reclaim your spiritual identity while in physical form, your life becomes easier to navigate. This does not mean that you will never again face challenges in your life, but rather that you will know where you can find within you the source of peace when stress comes upon you. You do not have to know why others do what they do; that is between them and their soul. Your job is to maintain your awareness of your higher nature despite the conditions you see around you. This is an advanced way of being within a world that at times seems to be moving in the opposite direction. Surrendering to what is means allowing what is to be just as it is without resisting the feelings that go along with it. Resistance of any kind, whether directed inward or outward, lowers your vibration and moves you further away from the realization of your Divine Consciousness which is always heart-centered. Resistance is nothing more than denying the love of self on every level. The New Earth is a metaphor for changing your personal perspective to allow for a more expanded way of looking not only at yourself, but at the world in which you live. As you expand you begin to be less judgmental about yourself and your surroundings. You judge because you doubt your true Divine Nature. You deny your worth because you identify with the limitations of your humanness instead of the unlimitedness of your God-self. Yet you are far more than what you perceive with your five human senses. Your separation experience is just that, a visceral experience your soul has chosen to see if you can remember the unconditional love that you inherently are within a context of otherness. Self-realization is the integration of every part of you, both human and Divine. There is nothing about you or anyone else that is imperfect or unholy. It is all God expressing in an infinite number of ways to expand creation in all dimensions of existence. You are an ambassador of higher consciousness connected to a team of non-physical beings assisting you every step of the way along your journey into physical form. The forgotten world is only forgotten to the mind, not to the heart, for the heart is your connection to the Source of All That Is. 

You are choosing with your focus of attention to either keep your power or give it away. A peaceful outer reality is created from a state of inner peace and tranquility. As a creator being, what you keep paying attention to with your thoughts is what will eventually show up somewhere in your outer reality. You can always tell by looking to your outer world where your focus of attention has been. Fear is the domain of an untamed mind. But as you learn to control your mind by focusing only upon those things that bring you joy, you become a more deliberate manifestor of what you truly desired to experience in physical form prior to incarnating here. Ask yourself in every moment what brings you joy. Go there not only with your actions, but with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as well. Living fully is an individual experience that stems from a heart-centered perspective. It takes tremendous courage for a soul to play the game of physical reality because it willingly agrees to forget the larger non-physical part of itself that connects it to the Godhead. The density of physical reality is an amazing test of mastery for a soul to experience. Mastery is the full realization of self-love. It is the deepest expression of compassion a soul can experience while in human form. As you begin to allow more and more of what you experience as a human being, you will start to feel the connection you have always had with the unlimited part of you that has been guiding you throughout your life. To truly know who you are is to reclaim and express the unconditional love of God within. In this way do you create Heaven on Earth. Your highest and greatest good is the wisdom that results from knowing who you are. When you continually search for spiritual truth, it informs your soul that you do not yet feel good enough and worthy to receive the wellbeing that continually flows to you from Source. You are adored by Source just as you are. There is nothing to fix because there is nothing broken in you or anywhere else in creation. It is only important that you love yourself fully and completely, and that you accept who you are being in every moment of your human experience. The forgotten world is not forgotten at all, for it is not only alive and well within your heart, but it is encoded within every cell of your body awaiting the realization of your true magnificence. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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