Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Monday, June 17, 2024

What Really Matters

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

What really matters in life is your experience of peace, love of self, and joy. If your attention is placed upon anything other than these three things, then you are wasting your precious creative energies. There is a natural beauty to life which is only evident when you clear your mind and feel from your heart. The challenges you face in life are meant to give you clarity, not to frustrate you with uncertainty. Yet you do not need difficult situations to awaken you to the clarity of who you are as a Divine being. You are all becoming more spiritually mature with the ability to transmute with love that which is standing in your way of true happiness. The timeline you are each on is your own personal path to inner mastery over energy. You control energy best through your perspective of what really matters in life. The logical and rational mind must take a back seat to the heart in this endeavor. You are an eternal being of pure love. Your life is a vibrational experience of remembering this truth. Mastery over energy allows you to raise your vibration at will without needing any specific condition or circumstance to be present. Yet part of being a master in a co-creative experience such as Earth also involves identifying what energy is yours and what energy belongs to someone else. It is easy for the human being to become affected by and absorbed into the drama of others which lowers your vibration and moves you further away from the life affirming energies of peace, love of self, and joy. The master knows that these things are part of the natural resting potential of the body, and that harmonizing with them will not only help the body to function better, but will assist in more rapid manifestations of that which you truly desire for yourself as well. Expansion, expression, and experience; these are the foundational pillars of creation. You are all creating your reality from an infinite wellspring of potentials based upon your perspective which comes about from the vibrations of your feelings and emotions. Is life a regenerative or a draining experience for you? Only you can make that choice for yourself in every moment, and that is a powerful position to be in. When you align with the energies of peace, love of self, and joy, you give yourself the greatest opportunity to use your power to create the best life experience possible. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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