Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Architects Of Consciousness

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

In every moment of your life you are either expressing or repressing your Divine Essence. Your Divine Essence is without judgment, for it lovingly accepts and allows all things to be exactly as they are without needing anything to change. Inner peace is the natural byproduct of expressing this part of you. Joy dissipates man-made pain and suffering. Consciously choosing joy over anything else places you solely into heart coherence. You are all the architects of your own consciousness. Joy exists all around you. It is your choice to find it and kindle its flames or to ignore it and lower your vibration into a state of dis-ease and disharmony. You have come into this dense reality to fully express and experience your creativity in whatever ways that bring you the greatest joy. You are each creating your own sphere of reality based upon your desires. Your soul’s blueprint is the underlying operating system of your experience here. Whatever you are experiencing in the moment is the next best step in your evolution of consciousness. The achievement of goals is an ego-based concept that has nothing to do with what your soul truly desires for you to experience as a human being. Loving allowance and acceptance of whatever you are experiencing are the key components to self-realization, which is really an awakening to a greater understanding of your true Divine Nature. The more you can fill your biological avatar with your Divine Essence, the more inner peace you will generate, and the less out of balance you will become. Own your emotions and integrate them into the wholeness of your being. 

You have temporarily chosen to experience a very small fraction of your beingness in a human body. But just because you experience the illusion of separation as a human being does not mean you actually are separate from anything. The illusion of separation allows you to enjoy the feelings of unity consciousness when they happen in your perceptional experience of life. Your universe was created as a way for souls to experience different perspectives of consciousness in an ever-evolving and ever-expanding continuum of creative expression. The present moment is your only concern, for it creates what will be. Letting go of what was is paramount to connecting with the heart's coherence. Transformation is simply a process of releasing old energies that are not in alignment with unconditional love. Hardship only exists in the minds of those yearning to hold onto something that appears lost. This lifetime is unique because you all have access to the full catalog of your multidimensional existence. At no other time in your history has this been so. All forces are driving your awakening to, and your integration with your Divine Essence. This in turn affects all other timelines not only within your multidimensional existence, but within universal consciousness as well. Thus, your inner work in this lifetime is adding to the expansion of All That Is in extraordinary and immeasurable ways. Stagnant energies are meant to be loved and accepted, not ignored, judged, or condemned in any way. The wholeness of your being encompasses all aspects of you with unconditional love, compassion, and equanimity. You can never get to where you want to be while hating where you currently are. 

The Divine part of you and the human part of you are involved in an intricate dance continually perceiving and feeling the energies in and around you. Resistance to any aspect of those energies creates more space between the human and divine parts of you continually seeking reunification. It is not necessary to relive any past trauma. Simply realize that the current disturbances in your energetic field are there to be loved and accepted unconditionally. When you are in love with the human condition in its totality, you are in the flow of life and connecting with your Divine Essence. Love heals all in the infinite and eternal moment of now. Remember that you are the driving force behind all of the permission slips you seek to heal yourself. Accountability is an opportunity to love yourself unconditionally. You always have a choice in how you feel about everything. What do you prefer to perceive? Have compassion for the journey of others. Yet know that you are a sovereign being in charge of creating your own timelines of experience through the feelings and emotions you project out into the world. Denial of anything you may be experiencing in your life is repression of the God that you are. Accept everything and everyone just as they are and you will be expressing your Divine Essence. A master does not do everything right; a master simply accepts everything as right. You are the architects of consciousness creating a reality that awakens you to the greatness of who you have always been. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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