Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Monday, July 22, 2024

Back To The Heart

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You did not inherit this seemingly dysfunctional world, but rather you have created it piece by piece down to the very last detail as an exercise in self-mastery, self-discovery, and ultimately self-love. Every moment of your life represents an opportunity for you to find love where love seems not to be. You cannot be any better than who you are being right now, for despite outward appearances, you along with everyone else you share your human experience with, are always doing the very best you can given each soul’s unique pre-incarnational blueprint for success. The Earth has been meticulously designed to test each soul's ability to choose love within a contextual field of seemingly less than perfect conditions that make human beings feel separate from each other. One cannot feel love for another when one is in a state of perpetual fear. One can neither feel connected to anyone or anything else for that matter from a state of separation. The vibration of these lowered states of consciousness lies at the opposite end of the emotional spectrum from love. Healing is about coming closer together, not moving further apart. Love transcends the lies, confusion, and uncertainty of limited thinking. Focus instead upon feelings of peace, love of self, and joy. Bring everything back to the heart where all things are made anew in the wholeness of All That Is. You will move into the next dimension of your human existence with ease by feeling as opposed to thinking your way through it. When dealing with any challenges, especially those that involve health issues, always ask your body what message it is trying to give you. In other words, use less thinking and more feeling; less mind and more heart-based intuition. Breathing more fully is a simple way to accomplish this. Under stress, it is natural for the breath to become shallow. Deep breathing not only oxygenates the physical body, but it connects you more deeply with your Divine Essence which is always more evident in the stillness between breath cycles. You are here expressing the will of the soul, and the heart is the seat of that wisdom. There is nothing in your experience that is not of Divine origin. Whatever you choose is meant to be, for no energy is ever wasted. Everything that occurs gets transmuted into wisdom. There are no beings greater throughout creation than human beings. You forge your way day in and day out through the mirk and mire of limited reality to evolve consciousness in the name of love. Your ability to experience and express love where love seems not to be propels the expansion of consciousness across all dimensions of reality. It is because the human experience has set the bar of expansion so high that the beings who come here are truly the greatest beings throughout all of creation. Humans have been made to feel unworthy and inferior. This however, could not be any further from the truth of who you are as Divine beings. I am that I am. You have come into this limited reality to create what the heart knows is possible, not what the mind tells you is probable. Nothing is separate from you or from God, for all is part of the One Consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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