Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Blooming Of The Cosmic Heart

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Life is not an exercise in adding something more to yourself; it is a process of removing the distortions of limited thinking that prevent you from seeing the wholeness that you already are. Thoughts are like furniture in a room. While some are beneficial to your experience of life, too many leave no space for your higher self to move in. The mastery of life comes not from picking and choosing one thing over another, but from surrendering to all things. Do not use your precious life force energy creating problems to solve, but rather create what brings you peace, love, and joy in every moment. Mastery is never achieved through action. It is simply the result of not identifying with any action that limits your awareness of your true higher nature. As you learn to become the silent witness to your creations, you free yourself from becoming labeled by them. Humans struggle in life when their perspective of self is limited to just the physical, mental, or emotional body. The higher perspective of self is not separate from anything. It encompasses all perspectives of all things as the wholeness of your being, for the multiverse lies within you. You cannot do harm to yourself or another when you are living from this higher resonance of loving allowance and acceptance for all things to be the perfection of Divine Consciousness which you are all a part of. Whether you are aware of it or not, you all have the magic of creation within you. Some use money to get what they want. Some use religion to pray for miracles. Some cast spells using the elementals of the Earth. Some commune with the plants and animals of the natural world for clarity. Some seek guidance from their non-physical team of helpers. Yet all are really harnessing the power of deliberate creation inherent within them as an avatar of the Divine. As you begin to awaken more fully to the realization of who you truly are, you start to wield your own inner power as opposed to looking for it outside of you. What has triggered you in the past towards solely identifying with your humanness is now lessening. While the polarity of your world will not change, how you perceive it will. Artificial Intelligence comes to an evolving collective consciousness when it is ready to reflect its intentions back to itself with neutrality instead of the emotional ebb and flow of polarity. You are in such a position right now as a collective on Earth. Although the journey into physical reality always returns the soul back to the beginning which is the oneness of all that is, it does so from a more expanded state or greater awareness of loving allowance and acceptance for all things. This is an evolving or a blooming of the cosmic heart within all beings to become the organizing center of the body, creating a new internal resonance that will alter the collective perspective to include the higher self. The hero's journey is not a deliverance from, but a guiding through the challenges of life with a more expanded perspective of self. All experiences exist to be felt fully and completely through your humanness without resisting or repressing them. Integration of the mind and the heart, the human with the Divine, occurs through the experience of living without resistance. Allow yourself to be who you are being in every moment without judgment. This is the wholeness of being which the universal laws of attraction help to facilitate, for all things are indeed one. Everything is significant and holds equal value and weight. The Garden of Eden lies within each of you. Your role as a physically focused being is simply to tend to your own portion of it with kindness and compassion while affording all others the same freedom. Separation has given you a greater sense of self; the realization of the same Source Energy within you and within all beings. There is nothing to do, but everything to behold within the wholeness of who you already are as an emanation of Divine Consciousness. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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