Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Monday, September 9, 2024

Goodbye Schoolroom Earth

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

You can recreate the higher frequencies of the non-physical realm while in physical form whenever you choose love over fear, peace over worry. You have never left the oneness of All That Is. You have simply projected a very small portion of your larger Divine Essence into the physical realm to add to the expansion of the One Consciousness through the wisdom gained from all your experiences. Everything that exists within creation is vibration. What you feel about what you have chosen to experience here is vibrational energy. As a Divine being you have the ability to create anything you desire through your focus of attention. Look not upon your perceived trials and tribulations, trespasses nor transgressions, but rather hold within your heart the immense power of loving allowance, forgiveness, and compassion for all things. In this way do the heavens rejoice in your remembrance of your Divinity. Schoolroom Earth is transitioning because you as a souled being are transitioning into a greater understanding of the love that you inherently are. You are an immortal being of love and light energy. Say no to fear and say yes to love. Say yes to the magic of creation working through you and as you. Know who you are to the depths of your being. Celebrate life for the gift of creative expression it affords you. Your soul preference is to live in love. When you argue with reality, you are creating resistance to that preference which lowers your vibration and moves you further away from a peaceful countenance. Continuing to bang your head against the wall does not feel good to either you or the wall. When you can learn to release judgment in the moment it occurs, you allow the stress that drama causes in your life to fall away with ease. As you begin to identify less with your physical identity and more with your spiritual essence, you become freer to move through your experiences without resisting them. Feelings of victimization and blame are conditioned entrapments of the physical identity; they are not the truth of who you are as a Divine being of immense love and light, beauty and magnificence. Your Divine Essence is aware of all your patterns of behavior and does not judge you for any of them because it knows that all experiences are necessary for the overall expansion of consciousness. Everything is perfection, including you. The shadows of your world are reflections of the shadows that exist within all human beings and serve the greater good as opportunities to love yourself and others more fully and completely. Suffering is just one path to the greater awakening of reunification with the light and dark within all beings. It is not necessary to suffer at all in this world. It is simply the denial of any aspect of your wholeness of being. When you can accept and embrace all aspects of your humanness, you unlock the light body potential by allowing the kundalini energy of the lower chakras to move up into the higher energy centers of your physical structure. This makes it easier to choose love over fear, peace over worry in all your interactions. You contain within you the Source of All That Is; the Great Central Sun. The world revolves around you because you are its creator. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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