Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Saturday, December 2, 2023

A Softer Perspective

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Physical life is a dance between question and answer; between the focusing and the un-focusing of your attention. As a creator being embodied in physical form, you are in a perpetual state of movement between your human self experiencing reality and your wider perspective witnessing it. This movement can also be described as an oscillating process of focusing your attention upon something wanted, and then withdrawing or un-focusing that attention to allow it to manifest into physical form. The contrast of life provides the impetus to hold your attention upon that which is desired until the higher self can withdraw enough attention from the mind for it to come into fruition. Thus, contrast ignites the question through your focus of attention, while the higher self supplies the answer by moving the mind away from your physical sensations towards a wider perspective. This is how you create your reality. It is the eternal ebb and flow of pulsating energy that fuels expansion of the universe in all dimensions of existence. Outer curiosity leads to introspection and self-discovery. Creating your reality can only be accomplished by going within and connecting with the source of your being where all potential realities lie in wait to be externalized by you. Quieting the mind allows you to see a wider perspective in which nothing is separate from you. Neither your desires nor their manifestations lie outside of you, for you are creating it all from within your own conscious awareness. That which you call the law of attraction is simply the dance between question and answer. It is how creation occurs through cause and effect. In the moment the question or cause is created within your conscious awareness, the answer or effect is also created. They are both simultaneous and inseparable. Yet the gap you experience between cause and effect, or the question and its answer is determined by how quickly you can soften your focus of attention away from physical reality to the wider perspective where you can see that what you desire already exists within you. It is the space where thoughts are nothing more than fleeting specs of consciousness without the energy of feeling or emotion added to them. While the contrast of life causes you to continually observe your surroundings and then choose something different, the manifestation of those choices can only come about in an environment detached from wanting, for that is also choosing. In other words, there must be a complete release of the desire for it to come to you. Continued focus upon it only signifies to the universe that you are still in the process of defining that which is wanted. Quieting your mind on any subject is enough to bring it into fruition. You may think that you are a human being when in fact you are a Divine Creator using a human vessel to experience your creations. A creator can only experience creating when it becomes its creations. Thus, you have created physical reality as a way of experiencing your creations. Yet physical reality is not your true home. It is only a small piece of who you are. The vast majority of you is still non-physical. It is this non-physical realm that must be tapped into in order for your creative impulses to become real to you in physical form. This occurs when you soften your focus away from physical reality long enough to access the wider perspective of who you are as a non-physical being. Call it a spiritual time-out or a rest stop if you will, for it is the necessary ingredient in the recipe of creation. You do this naturally when you dream during sleep, but you are awake most of the time. Meditation is a state of day dreaming that allows your desires to manifest faster and with greater ease. Being out in nature also helps you to connect to the non-physical realm easier because there are fewer distractions. The energy signature of the natural world is far more expansive and a great path to the wider perspective of the non-physical realm. The clarity gained from being able to periodically access the wider perspective of non-physical reality is where you will see that everything you could ever want and more already exists within your consciousness. You are creating it all through the power of your focused attention not only upon what you want, but upon what already exists within you. You are an infinite storehouse of pure potentiality that is available to you 24/7 simply by remembering who you are. In your moments of self-doubt simply step back, take a deep breath in and out, and ask yourself, "What have I forgotten? Oh yes, I have forgotten that I am God." The heavens will rejoice and your guides will dance once more alongside you on your journey of joyous expansion. All roads lead to and through the heart, for it is the doorway to the softer perspective of your non-physical self. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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