Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Feeling Connected Part 2

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Feeling love will always bring you back into balance and alignment with your higher self which has already mastered unity consciousness. Your higher spiritual nature reflects upon its actions, whereas your lower human nature acts without thinking about consequences. The higher self has compassion for the human being and the choices and decisions it makes. That is what separates it from lower consciousness. It sees beyond the contrast inherent to a dualistic reality, for it is without judgment. It knows that all beings are doing the very best they can at all times. The higher self sees unity in all things. This is what you as an evolving human being are awakening to. You are all sharing the same experiences in physical form. The more accepting you can be of what you see around you, the more you become the embodiment of your higher nature in physical form. Peace in the world starts with attaining a lasting state of inner peace unaffected by the outer circumstances and conditions of the reality you are co-creating as a collective. Can you stop fighting against anything you disagree with inside your own mind? If you cannot stop your internal conflict, be accepting of it, for that is the same thing. Accept it all as the experience of physical reality. In your acceptance of what is happening inside of you, you begin to accept everything outside of you. In truth, one is simply an extension of the other. Always ask yourself what is the highest wisdom you can glean from any conflict. This will help to neutralize the polarization within your lower human nature and release stress within your physical body. You can always find the wisdom of your heart by getting out of the righteousness of your mind. You are the one most important to your reality. Let others control their own lives. Consciousness has a ripple effect upon itself. Like thoughts coalesce together to form greater spheres of a similar reality. While your higher vibration may not change the collective consciousness in that moment, it will influence it over time. The less you can sit in judgment of your surroundings, the more you free yourself from the stress of limited thinking, and the more inner peace you will experience as your preferred reality. The world is helping to awaken you to your greater self through contrast. Use the way you feel as an indicator of which portion of your consciousness you are operating from; the higher self which is unconditionally loving, accepting, and allowing, or the lower mind which is judgmental, self-righteous, and divisive. The freedom you have is where you choose to live from. The heart only gives peace, love, and joy. Free yourself from the propaganda of limited thinking. You exist in physical reality in relationship to everything around you. The higher the resonance of the relationships you have, the greater your understanding of self becomes. Look at all relationships available to you with love and compassion, but choose only those that are reflective of your own higher nature. While there is value in everything, trying to change the vibration of a relationship of lower resonance is an uphill battle. Allowing all relationships to exist within you with equanimity will send out an invitation of balance and harmony to all those around you. Reflect on the love and joy that exists in your current relationships and you will bring them to an even higher vibrational state of being. You hold the power over how you live your life. And you can live side by side another who sees things completely different from you. Remember that you are all God having a human experience. Live as a vibrational being in control of your own destiny. You will come to understand that everything in your world is helping you to be happy through the physical expression of the unconditional love of God within. All is well in all of creation. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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