Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Feeling Connected Part 1

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Human beings are under the false impression that all they want in life is to be seen and heard. But what everyone truly wants now more than ever is to feel connected to themselves and to everything else around them. And that feeling of connectedness can only be mediated through the higher self which is unconditionally loving, accepting, and allowing of all things. It asks nothing of you other than just to be yourself and to accept that version of you as the perfection of God. That is why being out in nature is so deeply grounding for all of you. It connects you in a less compressed environment to the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms that exist both inside and outside of you, for you are the essence of all of life. In feeling your personal connection with the God within, you immediately connect to everyone and everything around you. The purpose of life is to joyfully create what you desire, and the best way to do that is to remove the resistance that separates you from what you perceive as your reality. Human nature is changing because consciousness is expanding. The unconsciously hollow pleasantries you currently greet each other with will be replaced with telempathically feeling another's auric field. How you will see things in the not too distant future will be quite different than it was in the past. As a result, the past will not need to be revisited as it once did before. You are being asked to make new choices and decisions based upon a more expanded operating system within you and within the collective of humanity. The new currency of where you are all headed as a species is heart-based. This is not a quick fix from anything outside of you, but rather a slow methodical redistribution of energy within you. And with this redistribution of energy comes a new perspective about your value and worth. Being seen and heard is an old energy paradigm of judgment where you look outside of self for validation. But you are awakening to a greater understanding of who you are as a Divine being of immense love and compassion. This awakening allows you to see yourself and others as one and the same energy worthy of whatever you desire. The 3D realm of judgment, comparison, and competition is giving way to the 5D realm of unlimitedness where your magnificence is never in question. It is time to see what you are all capable of doing, having, and receiving in your life based upon a higher way of being in the world. The mind may tell you that there is something wrong with you; that something needs to be worked on or fixed within you so you can be like others. But the heart knows that everyone is a perfect aspect of Divine Creation simply having an experience. It does not judge the human being based upon its experience. It knows that the Earth plane is a reality of contrast where souls come to remember who they are. There is no need for judgment because you are already God. You are merely having an experience of forgetting it so you can feel the ecstasy of remembering it once more. The energetic potential created by expressing love in the seeming absence of it is what fuels the expansion of the universe. Thus, you as an evolving human being on Earth are vital to the creative process of All That Is. It could not happen without you. This is where your inherent worthiness lies. Awareness rules the new world you have created. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone; not even to yourself. You were born perfect and that will never change throughout your life regardless of what you may manifest as your experience. You are realizing the stories that have once defined you are not the truth of who you are. None of those narratives are tied to your true value and worth. All of you are magnificent reflections of Divine Consciousness connected by, and expressing as the unconditional love of God. The mantle of self-doubt has been removed. You are free to move throughout your life unencumbered by any pre-conceived notions of guilt or shame from your past. Your vibration is always under your control. Feeling connected is the ultimate truth, and the only reality that will take you where you want to go both individually and as a collective. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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