Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just as you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Low-Grade Fever Of Despair

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Seeking perfection in anything lends resistance to the creative process. The power of channeling your creative impulses is the power of your Divinity in action while in physical form. Love does not label things as less than; that is the human part of you that does so. The Divine part of you sees everything as perfect. Nothing is ever seen as less than or in need of being added to because that would involve judgment. Even though the overwhelming majority of human beings still judge themselves and others, it is a very lonely place to be and can cause within your physical structure a low-grade fever of despair. When you evoke that aspect of your free will you pinch yourself off from the greater part of you that connects you to all things. There is an openness inherent within you that illuminates and uplifts your world just by your presence. While the revealing process of your creativity may seem at times chaotic and haphazard to the mind, it is perfectly designed and orchestrated by the Divine part of you to bring about happiness and joy if you do not judge or categorize it in any way. When you align with your creativity without resistance, you are in a state of allowance that draws to you experiences from your natural inheritance of wellbeing. Are you optimistic and happy, or pessimistic and sad? Although each are equally valid expressions of God Consciousness, the former two expressions will help to unlock your creative impulses, whereas the latter two will tend to stifle them. Your perspective arises from your belief systems and will direct your point of attraction from the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel that result from those thought streams. When you change your mind you change your experience of life. Radical acceptance of what is fosters a sense if inner peace and happiness that is impermeable to any external condition, situation, or circumstance you may face in your external environment. Any upset is problematic to your creative abilities. The happier you are the easier it will be for good things to come to you. Drama may still exist for others, but it will definitely subside in your own personal sphere of reality which is all that really matters. This life is about coming into the realization of the enlightened master that you already are, and to create from that higher perspective that which brings you the greatest joy. Anything you love has the potential to awaken you to a life of inner peace. You are only responsible for your own dimension of consciousness in physical form. You struggle when you think you know what is best for another. You do not know, nor could you possibly know what is right for anyone other than you. You cannot rid your world of lack and limitation, but you can rise above your experience of them. What impact does anything have in your life? Your perspective of anything determines your experience of it. As you allow things to be perfect, you will be guided to the next best step in your own expansion and evolution as a soul. You are not better than anyone else; you are simply on a different path that will lead you to the same be home with God in the oneness of all that is. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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