Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose what you next prefer to feel. You are adored by Source just the way you are. All is well, and all is well on its way to you. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

This Is Not Your Grandfather's World Anymore

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Because your outer reality is a projection of your innermost thoughts, ideas, and determinations about who you believe yourself to be, when you are in complete acceptance of the content of your mind through non-judgment, forgiveness, and compassion for oneself and others, then you are at peace with what is, and conflict in the outer world ceases to affect you. Grace is the realization that you are God using a physical body to express your magnificence. Suffering is the denial of this greater realization of self. Just because you do not recognize yourself as God, does not mean that you are not. You have simply forgotten your true identity to have the experience of remembering it in physical form. Compassion is the ability to sense the path of service a soul has chosen for its awakening to the inner God without being compelled by its physical appearance or by common opinion which deems only certain approaches appropriate. Value is a personal journey that no one else can provide you with. You must be willing to participate in your world without abnegating your power to it. The spiritual gifts you offer to your world are really the gifts you give to yourself. Your alignment with Source does not require sacrifice of any kind. In fact, alignment with your inner being opens the door to greater abundance and wellbeing in your life. Seek first your alignment with the God of your being and the rest will follow suit. 

You are always progressing despite appearances. Doing what brings you joy evolves your consciousness just as much as do the challenges you face. Your life's journey, regardless of the details, is a spiritually awakening experience. This means that you can relax into your ascension, for it is an organic process that is always happening. You are the creator of your reality, not of your expansion. Expansion is built into every reality. As you begin to realize and then express your Divinity, you will have greater and greater access to other dimensions of reality you exist in. You are a multidimensional being operating in a particular reality that up until now has not allowed you access to more of your expanded nature. This is not a punishment however, but rather a buffering mechanism that has provided you with time to evolve gradually instead of all at once. But you have now reached a turning point as a collective where you are ready for greater information to be made available to you. This is because you have all become aware of something far grander within you than what you once perceived yourselves to be. This is not your Grandfather's world anymore. Consciousness is shifting because you are shifting. You are awakening to your own expansion. 

You are here on purpose to realize your magnificence and your connection to the oneness of All That Is. You are always at the right place and the right time. It is your understanding of this that is opening you up to your multidimensionality. Understanding replaces forgiveness within the mind of the master. The master is love receiving love from the source of its being. The love of God is the unconditional experience of awakening to the oneness of All That Is. Your personal ascension is a reunification with all aspects of your multidimensional existence. While your physical relationships will come and go upon the Earth plane, the love that is received and exchanged within them stays with your soul for eternity. It is part of who you are, always has been, and will be forevermore. The solution to every problem you will ever face both individually and as a collective lies within the essence of the love you are composed of. It is the source and substance of all consciousness and energy within all of creation. 

It is not your doing that creates inner transformation, but rather your state of being that moves you into higher realms of conscious awareness. Love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and allowance are states of being that create the greatest momentum for transformation to occur within you. You have entered the year of the dragon to support your migration into a 5th dimensional state of beingness where you can perceive a greater bandwidth of consciousness. While you have always been whole and complete, you have not had access to all of you. You now have the ability to consciously connect with more aspects of your multidimensional self. You are never alone on your journey into physical form, for you are always co-creating the most joyful experiences with your spiritual team. As you remember more and more of who you are, others may feel a greater degree of vibrational disparity with your resonance. Never let this dissuade you however, from reaching for the highest vibration possible in every moment. Have compassion for those who have chosen a different path, for they are simply other aspects of you that make up the wholeness of your being and the oneness of All That Is. There is nothing wrong with any expression of Divine Consciousness, for there is room for all within the warm embrace of the infinite and eternally loving mind of God. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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