To heal any addiction you must surrender to it without judgment which means accepting it fully and completely just as it is. This will help you see why you have chosen to experience it in your life. Then and only then can you forgive yourself on a human level for the path you have chosen to take. Forgiveness is a change in perspective where judgment is replaced with kindness and compassion. Forgiveness is also the key to self-love because when you forgive that which you perceive to be outside of you, you release yourself from guilt in the process. You are all on a spiritual path of remembering that you are everything you see in your outer reality. While some may be more aware of it than others, each and every soul’s journey is bringing them closer and closer to the realization of who they truly are as a Divine being of infinite love and compassion. The spiritual path is the path of the heart. It is the remembrance of the love of God inherent within you.
You are more powerful than you believe yourselves to be. You each have the ability to create anything you desire by manipulating consciousness and energy. Consciousness is your vibrational output through your focus of attention, and energy is the structural framework of physical reality. You have created the conditions of your life to assist you in healing yourself and your world, for one is simply an extension of the other. Feeling hatred for anything in your outer reality mirrors hatred for some aspect of self. It cannot be any other way because each of you is creating your own timeline of experience. Through your Divine lineage, you have the ability to accept everything you experience in life, and in so doing transmute it with very little energy and effort. The more you can surrender to what you do not want, the easier it will be for you to move into that which you do. When you listen to your heart you will know exactly what to do in every interaction and relationship you have. Trust in the changes that will occur throughout your life, for they are birthed from all that you have lived in each and every moment of your incarnations as a physically focused being. Know that you are all doing the very best you can here in this very dense environment. There are no mistakes or any wrong paths to take. Every life is a blessing because every life is a unique expression of the Divine that adds to the expansion of consciousness.
You invite everything into your reality through the frequency you are emitting in every moment. Raising your frequency is an empowered state of being in which protection is not needed. You simply rise to the occasion of heart-centered beingness. Choose what you pay attention to. Respond to everyone around you with kindness and compassion. Give others the benefit of the doubt instead of projecting your own self-righteousness onto them. Grace is a universal principle encoded within your genetic record which allows everything to be as it is. Loving yourself fully and completely is allowing yourself to be just as you are. Participate in the happenings of your life without interfering with their movement through time and space. Your participation in life is always grounded in loving allowance through your Divine perspective. While your sovereignty outside of the physical realm is multifaceted, when in physical reality it is partitioned off into a singular perspective that is unique only for you. From a wider perspective, your goal in each incarnation is to not only allow all perspectives to be equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness, but to see all perspectives as part of the wholeness of who you are. Put your attention only upon those things you can personally impact; allow all else to be as it is. The highest choice is always the most allowing and accepting one. Whenever you are unsure of what to do next, simply allow. This elevated frequency will help you see the next best choice to make.
Your journey into physical reality has been an orchestrated movement from simplicity to complexity; from understanding yourself as being separate from God, to knowing yourself as being one with God. When you feel separate from God, you feel disempowered in your ability to create your reality. But as you come closer and closer to the realization that you are God, you become empowered to create your reality as you see fit. From a limited perspective of separation consciousness, you have relied upon those things external to you to assist you in achieving and maintaining physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing throughout your life. But as you become more and more aware of your lineage as a Divine Creator, you understand that your wellbeing is solely under your control. The more you know yourself as God, the more you will experience yourself as being God. The unknown part of you is gaining a stronger foothold in your everyday experience. The environment becomes less of a factor as you evolve into a greater awareness of your true Divine Nature. When you look upon your addictions, know that you have created them so that you can rise above them. When you believe the world supports you, you will become more empowered to heal yourself.
The requirement for health and happiness in life is the same requirement for abundance. It is being in love with who you are in every moment. And the only way to do that is to know yourself as God. Do not measure yourself as God by the reflection the world gives you, for you will only be chasing conditions. When you remember that you are unconditional at your core, you will look at all conditions as equal and valid expressions of Divine Consciousness. As you move further and further into the 5th dimension, your love for life will begin to be reflected back to you through your outer reality. Love every moment of your life, for it is a miracle intricately designed to awaken you to a deeper understanding of the love of God inherent within you. Engage with life fully and completely and the ride will become much more joyful. 5th dimensional mastery is creating without judgment. It is a reality in which love of self is so strong that you cannot help but accept and allow all of your experiences without condemnation of any kind. It is also a reality in which you accept and allow all others to be who they are as well without needing anything about them to change. This frequency allows easy manifestation of that which you desire to occur because there is little to no resistance to its arrival into your life.
There is no need for suffering in any life. Yet the suffering of others is not your concern. Allow all others to have their own experiences without needing any part them to change. This is part of 5th dimensional mastery. There is a better way to create and that is through happiness and joy rather than through guilt, hatred, fear, and condemnation. The shift in consciousness is not happening outside of you, but within each and every one of you. Honor where you are as well as where everyone else is. Let it all be just as it is. This is true freedom and mastery; the ability to have your own unique perspective of reality, while allowing all others to have their own without judgment. How you relate to others is always the truest indicator of where your level of consciousness is at any given moment. Let your heart guide you. Do not let your mind tell you that you are doing it all wrong, or that you could be doing it any better. Accept all aspects of self and others. Love defines unity. Separation negates love because it exists as a fear-based reality. You are all part of Source Energy. Although you are evolving as a species into higher and higher levels of complexity, the experience of life does not need to be complicated. Love simply accepts and allows all things unconditionally. Walk forward trusting that everything is working out for you. Connect with your inner being by living through your heart without judgment. Have gratitude and appreciation for all that is. Choose to see the miracles all around you that create the infrastructure of your physical existence. You are the miracle of life, for none of this could happen without you. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.
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