Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Seat Of Power

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

If you put your attention upon anything that does not make you feel good inside, you owe it to yourself to come back to peace. You are fully capable of mastering your mind and taking back your power as a deliberate creator. When you put your attention upon feeling love you will feel good. It is as simple as that. Be discerning about what you give your attention to in every moment. Be aware of the story you are telling others about yourself. If your story does not make you feel good inside, it is not raising your vibration. Invest your time and energy in peace, creativity, and freedom. Do not conform to unnecessary rules as these will only make you feel more constricted. You always have the opportunity to make your life better by training your mind to focus only upon those things that uplift you as opposed to what keeps you in the lower vibrations of separation and fear. Because you will be drawn to those things that match how you feel in the moment, working with due diligence to elevate your mood will insure that what you are attracting to you will be of a higher vibration. From a wider perspective you will be able to embrace all of life by becoming one with it. Accepting and allowing all that you perceive in your outer reality is the ultimate soul purpose in every incarnation. Yet this is a work in progress at your current level of understanding. This is neither good nor bad; it simply is where you are at the moment. Accept it lovingly. Expansion is an organic process that happens naturally within you. Each day you will awaken to a higher level of beingness than you had the day before. What seem to be miniscule achievements in this vein to the mind are actually monumental strides to the soul. The seat of power lies within you, for this life is of your creation. Every choice you make expands your consciousness. Every opportunity is a blessing in disguise. How you feel is always determined by what you are thinking. When you can alter the perspective your thoughts are producing to that of a higher vibration, you will align with the nature of your soul, and your experiences will be uplifted regardless of what they are. Your higher perspective sees beyond the limited human stories into the wholeness of all beings. The future has not yet occurred. All that exists for you is in this exquisite now moment. Release not only the past, but your future as well. You can create a joyful future by not being contained or defined by the conditions that surround you in this moment. The structure, form, and function of your existence help you to relate to your reality. Relationship is the device through which you experience growth and expansion. As you relate to your surroundings, you raise yourself to higher timelines of existence. Ascension is knowing in new and higher ways. As a result of this, your behavior changes which alters how you interact with the world in which you live. Be at peace with what is. Allow space for change to occur in your life, for it is inevitable. You are loved beyond measure, and you are always where you are meant to be. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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