Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Search For Happiness

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Your human experience is a creative adventure the framework for which was planned long before your first breath in physical form. Your soul designs each incarnation with a specific set of goals that are accomplished without your conscious awareness of them. The choices you make in your life are guided and directed by your higher self which runs the show from a more expanded vantage point than what your physical mind is capable of perceiving. In this way you are always on track and never out of sync with your soul's blueprint for success. While your mind seeks happiness in things external to it, what brings you the greatest amount of happiness in life is the awareness that your natural state of being is already happiness. You need only to stop focusing upon the outer world of ever-changing conditions and instead soften your focus by going within where inner peace resides. The more you practice softening your focus in the present moment, the easier it will be for you to reach a state of inner peace and the subsequent happiness it creates. Your mind is a receiver of information in the form of thoughts. While you cannot stop thoughts from coming into the mind, you can stop paying attention to them for a period of time. Nothing in your past has the ability to stop you from experiencing happiness. You have control over what you put your attention upon at any given moment. When you go within to feel your heart center you bypass the mind's compulsion to judge the thoughts it has received. Allow all thoughts to be there as you soften your focus upon them without distraction. This is the most important part of creating happiness. From the higher perspective there is nothing to judge; everything is loved and accepted just as it is. Thus, there is never a need to measure, interpret, or categorize any thoughts within the mind. When you unfocus your mind you create with power. While there is always a time and a place for focus, it needs to be managed to get the greatest benefit from it. You do not need to fix anything about your past to heal it. You need only learn to control your focus of attention to create happiness in your life. Nothing needs to change external to you, for the present moment determines your life direction. This is your higher self inviting you to merge with it with unconditional love and compassion for all that is in your life and in your reality. When you focus so much of your attention upon the thoughts of the mind you perpetuate your story of limitation. You are greater than the thoughts of your mind, for you are God. Your stories are never important; only connecting with your innate unlimitedness is. You are responsible for how you feel. Softening your focus of attention away from separation and suffering is the best way to renew, restore, and rejuvenate yourself towards wellbeing. Your higher spiritual nature is always unconditionally loving and accepting of everything. The search for happiness is predicated upon merging this part of you. You are God, you are love, and you are life expressing itself as the oneness of all that is. 

As part of unity consciousness, you exist in all realms of reality and dimensions of existence in this eternal now moment. Your individual growth and expansion is the same growth and expansion of the multiverse. Your higher spiritual nature is your non-physical essence directing your every move in the physical realm. Thus, creation is a joint effort between the physical and the non-physical self. Whatever is being created on the surface of your reality is specifically designed and orchestrated by your higher self to awaken you to your true unconditionally loving and compassionate nature as a Divine being. You are sovereign whether you are aware of it or not. You became physical to experience your pre-birth intentions from a perspective of being as opposed to doing. The mind thinks that it must do to create, whereas the higher self understands that creating comes from being a vibrational match to whatever the mind receives as desire. And that vibrational match comes from a perspective of peace and happiness; not anxiety and frustration. Nothing matters and everything matters. You are the only one creating the purpose of your life experience here. Your success as a human being is an internal process, not an external measurement. It is the moment by moment realization that you are creating your reality through your focus of attention and then the release of that attention onto the next desired outcome. Yet the balancing act that occurs between creating and receiving is the journey of life and the true success of the process of creative manifestation. You have the ability to lead a more fluid dance between question and answer and answer and question when you can release judgment about the how and when of it all. This is where your connection to the wider perspective your higher self holds about everything comes in handy, for if you can find this place of inner peace then you can be less swayed by the mind when it tries to convince you that the system is flawed. Because there are so many different avenues your attention is drawn to every day, the feeling of success can be a never-ending ride when you open yourself up to receiving the love of the universe continually being sent your way. This raises your vibration which allows you to feel at peace with your surroundings. It is all you giving back to yourself. Focusing upon your breathing instead of your thoughts is the quickest way to connect you to your higher self and the more expanded perspective of perpetual success it offers to you at all times. While measurement will always be part of your physical experience, whether it becomes a destination or a tool for expression will determine how long you stay in a limited perspective. From a wider vantage point however, measurement is like anything else. It is simply a way to achieve a more balanced and a more integrated perspective of the movement between desire and manifestation. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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