Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Reconnection

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Gratitude is reconnection with the higher parts of your nature that you have temporarily forgotten. In expressing gratitude for anything, you are remembering what lies at the core of your beingness. You are awakening as is all of humanity to the bigger picture beyond the illusion of physical reality. And the bigger picture is that you are all God, and that you are all creating both your individual as well as your collective realities through your focus of attention. From the soul's perspective there is no such thing as safety; there is only experience to gain wisdom from. Thus, nothing in your experience of life is ever harmful or damaging to the larger more expanded part of you. While your physical incarnations come to an end, your soul energy does not. It grows and expands with the wisdom garnered from each and every lifetime. As you grow humanity grows, for you are all connected. Know that you are more than what your mind thinks it is. You are awakening to the power and the magnificence of who you truly are as a multidimensional being. Know thyself in wholeness and completion. Making choices and decisions are highly spiritual tasks because they come from your higher self guiding you along your path to a deeper understanding of you. Once you become aware of this truth, you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you will never move in the wrong direction. All choices and decisions you make in life are perfectly designed for your highest growth and expansion into love. Everything is connected. In the realization of that connectedness you become more expanded in the perspective of your reality. You will always do what is commensurate with your current level of beingness. In other words, your vibration precedes your every movement in physical reality. That is why when you can connect regularly with the source of your being which is the storehouse for all potential experiences, you put yourself vibrationally in a better position to experience the reality of your potential. Being human does not have to limit your Divinity. Be grateful for all that is and you will move in grace towards the next greatest version of you. When you can see and feel the miracle of your physical existence, you will radiate outward the energy of the love of God within. This is how you integrate your humanity with your higher spiritual nature to experience Heaven on Earth. When you love what you are doing instead of doing only what you love, you celebrate your life just as it is. Chasing anything outside of you signifies that you are feeling less than whole and complete. You cannot embrace life fully from this limited perspective. Love comes from your heart and radiates outward into your physical experience. It is never found outside of you. What you feel as love for someone or something in your outer reality is merely a reflection of the love within you. You can only give and receive love when you feel it first inside of you. Your unlimitedness comes from the power of love housed within your beingness. As you relax into yourself, you tap into the power of your heart to create peace and harmony in your life. A peaceful countenance is the foundation for wellbeing and the truest path to happiness in life. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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