Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life....

"The secret to health and happiness in life is to resist nothing; to accept all of your past and present moment experiences just as they are with compassion, equanimity, and love and then to choose next what you prefer to feel. I am God. You are God. We are the same."

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Mission Accomplished

This channeled wisdom is from Vol. 8 of the e-book series, The Aligned Mind, Oracle of Divine Wisdom. Enjoy...

Your future is bright, for it will be driven by a new heart-based consciousness and not the old guard of separation ideology. Love is the highest octave currently resonating on your planet. This is because love is the core of your soul and the key to peace on Earth through compassion for each other. When you can see another's plight as your own, you will begin to make choices guided by your higher self. You can transmute any sadness to compassionate action with a heart-based consciousness. While there will always be differences of opinions upon the Earth plane, they will no longer escalate into indiscriminate loss of life. You are awakening from a deep slumber of darkness into the light of a new potential. The world of today will not follow the path of the world of yesterday. New alliances are being built that will restore greater balance and harmony in your world. You are in a transition period where you have a foot in both worlds. But there is hope because you have chosen to awaken to a higher perspective about who you are and what you are all capable of doing as a race of Divine beings of immense love and compassion. The choice has already been made, so you can relax into the knowingness that everything is going to be OK. You are letting go of the resistance of fear and replacing it with love, kindness, compassion, acceptance, and allowance for all that is. You are recognizing your individual power to create your own bubble of reality that affects all other bubbles of consciousness upon the planet. The tapestry of life is an interwoven matrix of continuously flowing energy predicated upon focused thought which generates feelings and emotions. The control you have upon the whole is the same control you have over your own personal sphere of reality because there is no separation between the two. All is one expressing as infinite forms throughout the cosmos. You do not have to be a creature of habit, but a creator of conscious and deliberate free will choices and determinations about what you prefer to feel and experience as your reality. Everything has a ripple effect upon everything else. While this conversation is far greater than anything your mind could possibly comprehend, your heart knows it intuitively well. You are the same energy as Source, and as such, you are being guided at all times to release self judgment. Accepting with love and compassion every choice and decision you have made allows for inner peace to resonate within you which will draw to you new experiences instead of recreating the past. It is all there for you to feel. Yet to hasten its movement towards you requires you to vibrate at a different state of consciousness than the one in which it was created. Resistance is keeping you from as easier and a more joyful path in life. There is always something to appreciate in and around you. At the core of every experience lies the acceptance of your own Divinity which is perfect, eternal, and unconditionally loving. You have already accomplished everything you have set out to do in this lifetime and more. There is nothing left to do but to enjoy the journey home. The more you can play the better you will feel, and the better you can feel the more joy you will experience as your chosen reality. And so it is in love and light of the aligned mind.

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